Redaksiyon, Düzenleme, İngilizce redaksiyon, Redaksiyon, Düzenleme Hizmeti

Kurumsal Finans

Aşağıda, seçtiğiniz düzenleme hizmeti ile ilgili küçük örnekler bulabilirsiniz. Hizmetlerin üzerine tıklayarak aralarındaki farkı görebilirsiniz. Örnek dosyanın tümünü görmek için lütfen sağ taraftaki linki kullanın.

    Original Manuscript

    Kurumsal Finans, Düzenleme Örneği

    Edited Manuscript

    Kurumsal Finans, Düzenleme Örneği


    Remark 1:
    Note that the highlighted text was unclear. We have edited the sentences to the best of our understanding. Please check whether the edit conveys your intended meaning.


    [Explanation1]: Language:
    Adding this introductory phrase sets the academic tone of the document and improves the flow of the subsequent information.

    [Explanation2]: Word choice:
    “Price” is a more appropriate word choice in this context.

    [Explanation3]: Typographical error and capitalization:
    The spelling error and incorrect capitalization have been corrected.

    [Explanation4]: Language:
    An advance edit ensures that correct terms are used and the sentence structure is made concise while maintaining the meaning.

    [Explanation5]: Language:
    A transition word has been introduced here to ensure a logical flow of ideas. Also, “in reality” has been placed in the appropriate part of the sentence, thus eliminating ambiguity.

    [Explanation6]: Grammar:
    The revision has been made for appropriate word choice and subject-verb agreement.

    [Explanation7]: Language:
    “Wrong” is a better word choice than “bad” in this instance.

    [Explanation8]: Language:
    An advance edit condenses lengthy/verbose phrases, thus making the sentence concise.

    [Explanation9]: Attention to Detail:
    The unnecessary space within the numbers of a value and that between the numeral and percentage symbol have been deleted. In addition, the spaces surrounding the en dash have also been deleted.

    [Explanation10]: Punctuation:
    A hyphen has inserted between “profit” and “taking.”

    [Explanation11]: Grammar:
    The missing verb “is” has been added.

    [Explanation12]: Word choice:
    “Treated” is the preferred word choice.

    [Explanation13]: Word choice:
    “Maximize” is the appropriate word choice in this instance.

    [Explanation14]: Grammar:
    The demonstrative adjective “these” (plural) has been used in accordance with the plural noun “limits.”

    [Explanation15]: Punctuation:
    The ellipses have been replaced with the correct punctuation mark, i.e., the period.

    [Explanation16]: Language:
    This sentence has been reconstructed in keeping with correct grammar (use of articles), word choices, and sentence structure. Thus the sentence is now distinct in meaning and concise in structure. A remark has been added for the author to verify the changes.

    [Explanation17]: Language:
    The tense of this sentence has been corrected, and the formal and appropriate word “frequent” has been added.

    [Explanation18]: Attention to detail:
    The unnecessary hyphen between the two words has been deleted.

    [Explanation19]: Grammar:
    The plural form “investors” has been used for grammatical correctness.

    [Explanation20]: Attention to detail:
    Uppercase letter has been changed to lowercase.

    [Explanation21]: Punctuation:
    The missing comma has been inserted to set off “in contrast.”

    [Explanation22]: Attention to detail:
    The missing period has been added here.

Örnek belgedeki değişikliklerle ilgili açıklamalar sadece gösterim amaçlıdır. Normalde, düzenlemesi bitmiş belgelerde bu açıklamalar yer almaz.

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