Redaksiyon, Düzenleme, İngilizce redaksiyon, Redaksiyon, Düzenleme Hizmeti


Aşağıda, seçtiğiniz düzenleme hizmeti ile ilgili küçük örnekler bulabilirsiniz. Hizmetlerin üzerine tıklayarak aralarındaki farkı görebilirsiniz. Örnek dosyanın tümünü görmek için lütfen sağ taraftaki linki kullanın.

    Original Manuscript

    Genetik, Düzenleme Örneği

    Edited Manuscript

    Genetik, Düzenleme Örneği


    [Explanation1]: Wordiness:
    Unnecessary words have been deleted for economical expression.

    [Explanation2]: Logical progression:
    The sentence has been edited with regard to tense and voice for better readability.

    [Explanation3]: Style:
    The single quotes (used in British English documents) have been changed to double quotes (used in American English documents).

    [Explanation4]: Punctuation:
    A comma is always placed after “i.e.” in American English documents.

    [Explanation5]: Language:
    The appropriate plural form of the word has been used. “Which” has been replaced with “that” as per American English style convention.

    [Explanation6]: Typographical error:
    The spelling error has been corrected.

    [Explanation7]: Singular–Plural:
    Here the singular term is apt.

    [Explanation8]: Language:
    “such as” is used to introduce examples; “like” is grammatically incorrect in this context.

    [Explanation9]: Language:
    The syntax has been restructured for clarity and readability.

    [Explanation10]: Language:
    Two independent sentences have been restructured for enhanced flow of information.

    [Explanation11]: Language:
    The word order has been changed for better readability.

    [Explanation12]: Word choice:
    “Achieved” is a preferred formal word choice.

    [Explanation13]: Word choice:
    The awkward term has been revised.

    [Explanation14]: Technical change:
    Based on context, the terms have been revised for better representation of the implied meaning.

    [Explanation15]: Flow & Transition:
    Revision made for enhanced flow.

    [Explanation16]: Technical word choice:
    “Regulatory” is the accurate terminology.

    [Explanation17]: Word choice:
    “Different” is the preferred academic word choice.

    [Explanation18]: Word choice:
    “Evolve” is the preferred academic word choice.

    [Explanation19]: Language:
    This revision was made for clarity and readability.

    [Explanation20]: Subject area:
    Terms have been added for further clarity.

    [Explanation21]: Spacing:
    The extra spacing between the term is deleted.

    [Explanation22]: Grammar:
    The preposition has been revised for accuracy.

Örnek belgedeki değişikliklerle ilgili açıklamalar sadece gösterim amaçlıdır. Normalde, düzenlemesi bitmiş belgelerde bu açıklamalar yer almaz.

ingilizce düzeltme, ingilizce düzenleme, ingilizce cümle düzeltme, Düzenleme Hizmeti, redaksiyoningilizce düzeltme, ingilizce düzenleme, ingilizce cümle düzeltme, Düzenleme Hizmeti, redaksiyon