Redaksiyon, Düzenleme, İngilizce redaksiyon, Redaksiyon, Düzenleme Hizmeti


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    Original Manuscript

    Immünoloji, Düzenleme Örneği

    Edited Manuscript

    Immünoloji, Düzenleme Örneği


    Remark 1:
    There seems to be a discrepancy in the number of subjects mentioned individually and the total number of subjects mentioned earlier. This change has been made to ensure consistency in data.

    Remark 2:
    The original sentence was not clear; hence, it has been edited heavily. Please check if the revision conveys the intended meaning.


    [Explanation1]: Technical word choice:
    The term “infectious complications” is better and precise from the subject area viewpoint compared with “complications that are infective.”

    [Explanation2]: Language:
    Sentence construction has been corrected and made concise for better flow and transition and phrase choice. Also, subject-verb disagreement is corrected (is/are), and English word choice has been rectified (not known/unknown).

    [Explanation3]: Enhanced word choice:
    Here “performed” is used based on the technical context.

    [Explanation4]: Subject area:
    “Condition” and “status” mean the same. Therefore, the more appropriate term “status” is used for both terms to ensure consistency and clarity.

    [Explanation5]: Technical word choice:
    “Non-surgical” is a more appropriate technical term than “non-surgery.”

    [Explanation6]: Structural Change:
    This sentence belongs to the Methods section. We have therefore included it in that section.

    [Explanation7]: Style:
    A substantive edit will ensure that all abbreviations are defined at first mention and then used consistently throughout the text and artwork.

    [Explanation8]: Content consistency:
    Note that the number of subjects listed individually does not correspond to the total number of subjects mentioned earlier. Therefore, the appropriate change has been made and the author informed of the change.

    [Explanation9]: Journal style:
    In this case, the journal style indicates the use of “wk” as the abbreviation for “week” when used as a unit of measurement.

    [Explanation10]: Subject area:
    Parameters has a specific mathematical meaning; variables is accurate here.

    [Explanation11]: Technical word choice:
    Note that “IGF-1” is the abbreviation for “insulin-like growth factor-I.” This term has been added for further clarity to readers.

    [Explanation12]: Technical clarity:
    Presenting all the changes in Group IEEF in one sentence enhances readability and conciseness.

    [Explanation13]: Style:
    Note that the abbreviation is defined at its first mention in the text.

    [Explanation14]: Language:
    “IEEF” has been deleted to avoid redundancy and for better readability.

    [Explanation15]: Subject area:
    We have moved the emphasis to the result (“The B-cell fraction increased”) by deleting the text “an increase was observed.”

    [Explanation16]: Journal style:
    A substantive edit ensures that all abbreviations are defined at their first instance in the text.

    [Explanation17]: Language:
    We query the author about such a rewrite to ensure that we have not changed the meaning. Therefore, a remark has been added.

Örnek belgedeki değişikliklerle ilgili açıklamalar sadece gösterim amaçlıdır. Normalde, düzenlemesi bitmiş belgelerde bu açıklamalar yer almaz.

ingilizce düzeltme, ingilizce düzenleme, ingilizce cümle düzeltme, Düzenleme Hizmeti, redaksiyoningilizce düzeltme, ingilizce düzenleme, ingilizce cümle düzeltme, Düzenleme Hizmeti, redaksiyon