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Doktorların kişisel bir marka oluşturmasını gerekli kılan genel bağlamın en kapsamlı açıklaması, Lordache ve Breda (2013) tarafından sunulmuştur. Bu tanım, dört bağlamı içermektedir. Teknolojik bağlamda, hastaların ve doktorların teknolojiye erişimi, doktorun daha önce edindiği bilgilerden daha önemli bir rekabet avantajı sağlayabilir. Teknolojinin yaygınlaşmasıyla doktorlar, hastaları çekebilmek için kendilerini meslektaşlarından farklı kılmalıdır. Küresel bağlamda, Romanya’daki tıp uzmanları arasında sağlık turizmi gündeme gelmeye başlamıştır. Rumen doktorlar, ülke sınırlarını aşan bir itibara sahiptir. Yerel bağlam; siyasi, sosyal, ekonomik ve mali ortamda meydana gelen tüm gelişmeleri kapsamaktadır. Basın dahi Romanya sağlık sistemini etkilemek amacıyla hizmet vermektedir. Bu nedenle doktorlar, hastalar arasında daha iyi bir imaj oluşturmak için bu alanları göz önünde bulundurmalıdır. Bilgilendirme bağlamında, internet ve sosyal medya potansiyel hastaların bilgiye daha fazla erişimini sağlamaktadır. Günümüzde hastalar semptomlar, potansiyel hastalıklar, en etkili tedaviler, doktorlar ve sağlık hizmeti sağlayıcıları hakkında bilgi sahibidir. Sonuç olarak bu hastalar, doktorları belirli bir beklenti düzeyiyle ziyaret etmektedir.
The most comprehensive description of the general context in which physicians require personal branding can be found in LordacheIordache &and1 Breda (2013), which includes followingfour contexts: Technological context: access to technology, for both patients and doctors, can become a competitive advantage more important than previous 2knowledge gained earlier by the doctor. And, as technology becomes more widely available, a doctor will be have to be differentiated from his colleagues, to attract patients. The global context: in Romania it medical professionals3 hashave begun to talk about medical tourism. The reputation of Romanian doctors goes far beyond the national territory. The local context encompasses everything that happens in the political, social, economic and financial environment; even the media serves to influence the Romanian health system. Doctors should therefore take into account these changesconsider these areas4 to build a better pictureimage among patients. Informational backgroundcontext: the Internet and social media allow potential patients to access information; practically every patients thinks he5 knows everything about his illness, about the most effective treatments, about doctors, about healthcare providers, and consequently these patients appear before the doctor with certain level of expectation.
The most comprehensive description of the general context in which physicians requirethat requires doctors to create personal branding brands1 can be found in LordacheIordache &and 2Breda (2013), which. The description includes followingfour contexts: Technologicaltechnological, global, local, and informational. In the technological3 context:, access to technology, forby both patients and doctors, can becomebe a competitive advantage which is sometimes even 4more important than previous 5knowledge gained earlier by the doctor. And, asAs technology becomes more widely available, a doctor will be have to be differentiateddifferentiate himself from his colleagues, to attract patients. TheIn the global context:, in Romania, it medical professionals6 hashave begun to talk about started discussing 7medical tourism. The reputationreputations of Romanian doctors goestravel far beyond the national territory.; thus, this is likely to bring in patients who seek better care.8 The local context encompasses everything that happens in the political, social, economic, and financial environment; even. Even the media servesseems to influence the Romanian healthhealthcare system. Doctors should therefore take into account these changesconsider these areas9 to build a better when building their pictureimage among patients. InformationalIn the informational backgroundcontext:, the Internetdevelopment of internet and social media allowprovides potential patients tomore access to information; practically every patients thinks he10 knows everythingare informed about hissymptoms, potential illness, about 11the most effective treatments, about doctors, aboutand healthcare providers, and consequently. Consequently these patients appear beforecome to the doctor with a certain level of knowledge and expectation.
The most comprehensive description of the general context that requires doctors to create personal brands can be found in Iordache and Breda (2013). The description includes four contexts: technological, global, local, and informational. In the technological context, access to technology, by both patients and doctors, can be a competitive advantage which is sometimes even more important than previous knowledge gained by the doctor. As technology becomes more widely available, a doctor will have to differentiate himself from his colleagues to attract patients. In the global context, in Romania, medical professionals have started discussing medical tourism. The reputations of Romanian doctors travel far beyond the national territory; thus, this is likely to bring in patients who seek better care. The local context encompasses everything that happens in the political, social, economic, and financial environment. Even the media seems to influence the Romanian healthcare system. Doctors should consider these areas when building their image among patients. In the informational context, the development of internet and social media provides potential patients more access to information; patients are informed about symptoms, potential illness, the most effective treatments, doctors, and healthcare providers. Consequently these patients come to the doctor with a certain level of knowledge and expectation.
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