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Müşteri YorumlarıThe English editing services offered by Enago is really good and I am fully satisfied. The services are fast and reliable. I am very glad to submit my articles for review by highly qualified editors of Enago...
Uzmanlık alanı | Microbiology, General medicine, Health sciences & Social medicine, Internal medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Archeology, Arts, History, Humanities, Literature, Music, Philosophy, Psychology, Social Science, Theater |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 34 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | BA, English and Social Relations (anthropology/sociology), Colgate University, USA |
Mesleki Sertifikasyon | Courses in graphic arts, Fairfield University, USA |
Yayın deneyimi | Fairchild Publications, Grolier Inc., McGraw-Hill Medical Publishers, Elsevier Science (Mosby, WB Saunders) |
İş deneyimi | Senior Editor, Beverly Cracom Publications Managing Editor, Nursing Development Production, Appleton & Lange Copy Editor, Matthew Bender and Co. |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | American Medical Writers Association Editorial Freelancers Association |
Uzmanlık alanı | Agriculture, Animal husbandry, Dairy science, Farming, Fisheries/aquaculture, Horticulture, Plant pathology/phytopathology, Plant anatomy/phytoanatomy, Dental research, Entomology, Parasitology, Bacteriology, Mycology, Clinical pathology, Hematopathology, Histopathology, General pathology, Veterinary sciences, General dentistry, Anatomy, Anesthesiology, Clinical/anatomical pathology, Critical/intensive medicine, Emergency medicine, General medicine, General orthopedics, Infectious disease, Nursing Oncology, Rehabilitation sciences |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 11 |
Ülke | United Kingdom |
Eğitim | DVM, Veterinary and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow, UK |
Mesleki Sertifikasyon | Proofreading course, Regent Academy, UK |
Yayın deneyimi | CABI Publishing, Wallingford, Oxon, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Out of House Publishing, Stroud, Glos |
İş deneyimi | Editor, CABI Publishing Editor, Wallingford Editor, Blackwell Publishing Proofreader, Oxford University Press Proofreader, Cambridge University Press Proofreader, Out of House Publishing Consultant, Sheriff’s Highway Veterinary Group Partner, Sheriff’s Highway Veterinary Group |
Uzmanlık alanı | Agricultural economics, Sustainable agriculture, General biochemistry, Biotechnology, Biomolecular engineering, Cancer research, Cell biology, Cognitive science, General/molecular pathology, Applied genetics, Genetics, Genomics, Pharmaceutical microbiology, Bacteriology, Medical microbiology, Microbial physiology, Molecular biology, Computational neuroscience, Developmental neuroscience, Cognitive neuroscience, Cellular neuroscience, Behavioral neuroscience, Neurosciences, Molecular pathology, General pathology, Pharmaceutical research, Biomedical research (experimental medicine), General medicine, Healthcare policies/economics, Molecular medicine |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 7 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | MPhil, Developmental Studies, University of Cambridge BS, Molecular Biology and Microbiology, University of Central Florida |
Yayın deneyimi | Cell Death and Differentiation, Nature Reviews Neuroscience, Trends in Neuroscience, Methods, Annals NY Acad Sci., Antioxidants and Redox Signaling, Alzheimer’s Disease., Diabetes, Obesity, and Metabolism, Current Neuropharmacology, Nature Medicine |
İş deneyimi | Science Writer, University of Central Florida Editor, XAMonline Publishing |
Sertifikalar ve Ödüller | National Merit Scholar, University of Central Florida |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | Cambridge University United Nations Association |
Uzmanlık alanı | Evolutionary biology, Food sciences, General/Molecular pathology, Genetics, Marine sciences, Pharmaceutical microbiology, Agricultural microbiology, Soil microbiology, Food microbiology, Environmental microbiology, Medical microbiology, Molecular biology, Clinical pathology, Molecular pathology, Zoology, Ecology, Microbiology, Naturopathy, Herbalism, Nutritional-based therapies, Clinical microbiology, Dermatology, General medicine, Infectious disease, Molecular medicine, Oncology, Pediatrics |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 12 |
Ülke | New Zealand |
Eğitim | MSc, Wine Microbiology, University of Auckland, New Zealand BSc, Biology, University of Auckland, New Zealand BCom, Management, University of Auckland, New Zealand |
Yayın deneyimi | Nature, Cell Biology |
Sertifikalar ve Ödüller | Senior Prize in Management and Employment Relations, University of Auckland |
İş deneyimi | Medical Writer, Wolters Kluwer Health Laboratory Demonstrator/Tutor, Massey University Consulting Marketing Co-ordinator and Technical Writer, Idiom Software |
Uzmanlık alanı | Environmental chemistry, Forensic pathology , Microbiology, Pharmaceutical chemistry, Pharmaceutical research, Pharmaceutical toxicology, Pharmacodynamics, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacotherapy, Hematology, Hepatology, Immunology, Infectious diseases, Intensive/Critical medicine, Internal medicine, Oncology, Organ transplantation, Orthopedics, Pediatrics, Physiology, Pulmonology/Respiratory medicine, Radiology/Imaging, Cardiac/Cardiovascular surgery, Colorectal/Intestinal surgery, Emergency surgery, Trauma surgery, Transplant surgery, Vascular surgery, Urology, Vascular medicine |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 15 |
Ülke | United Kingdom |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Pharmacology, University College London, UK MSc, Chemical Research, University College London, UK BSc (Honours), Applied Chemistry, University of Greenwich, UK |
Yayın deneyimi | Science and Cell |
İş deneyimi | Senior Editorial Project Executive, PHASE II International Communications Managing Editor, Elsevier Technical Editor, Rapra Technology Limited Postdoctoral Research Associate, Scripps Institution Laboratory Demonstrator, UCL, London Copy Writer, UCL, London Research Assistant, St George’s Hospital Medical School English Teacher, Mexico City and Guadalajara |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | European Medical Writers Association Society for Editors and Proofreaders Guild of Health Writers Medical Journalists Association |
Uzmanlık alanı | General biochemistry, Animal biochemistry, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Cancer research, Cell biology, Embryology, Enzymology, General/Molecular pathology, Genetic engineering, Genomics, Pharmaceutical microbiology, Food microbiology, Parasitology, Virology, Bacteriology, Medical microbiology, Microbial physiology, Molecular biology, Cellular neuroscience, Neurosciences, Clinical pathology, Hematopathology, Molecular pathology, Histopathology, Proteomics/Protein studies, Veterinary sciences, Oncology |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 38 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Microbiology, University of California, USA BA, Bacteriology (Highest Honors), University of California, USA |
Yayın deneyimi | J. Bacteriol., Virology, J. Virol., Cell, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., Nature, Science, Elsevier, J. Clin. Microbiol., Genomics, New Biol., Oncogene, Elsevier, Springer-Verlag, and J.B. Lippincott Co. |
Sertifikalar ve Ödüller | Federal Technology Transfer Award, National Cancer Institute Director’s Award, National Institutes of Health Merit Award, National Institutes of Health |
İş deneyimi | Director, Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc. Acting Chief, National Cancer Institute Deputy Chief, National Cancer Institute Chief, National Cancer Institute Research Microbiologist, National Cancer Institute |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors Hazardous Materials Appeals Commission Biotechnology Industrial Advisory Council |
Uzmanlık alanı | Bioinformatics, Brain surgery, Cancer medicine/Oncology, Dermatologist, Experimental medicine, General medicine, Health sciences & Social medicine, Immunology, Internal medicine, Neurological sciences, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ophthalmology, Orthopedics, Plastic surgery, Otolarygology, Pediatrics, Surgery, Medico-pharmaceutical sciences, Pharmacoeconomics, Agronomy & Horticulutre, Environmental Resources, Marine biology, Biosphere sciences, Earth system sciences, Ecology, Environmental material sciences, Basic dental science, Clinical dental science, Advanced medical science, Anatomy, Biosystems medicine, Molecular medicine, Pathophysiological sciences, Physiological sciences, Radiodiagnosis/Radiotherapy |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 11 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | MPH, Public Health Practice, University of Massachusetts, USA BS, Scientific and Technical Communications, Northeastern University, USA |
Yayın deneyimi | Curr Opin Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg., Ophthalmology Times., Rev Ophthalmology., AMWA Journal, Rev Cornea Contact Lens., Expert Rev Clin Immunol., EyeWorld., Ophthalmology Times., Curr Allergy Asthma Reports., Clin Therapeutics. |
Sertifikalar ve Ödüller | Core Curriculum Certification, American Medical Writers Association Professional Development Certificate, American Medical Writers Association AMWA Conference Travel Award, American Medical Writers Association |
İş deneyimi | Research Analyst and Medical Writer, Boston Health Economics Inc. Medical Writer, ORA Clinical Research & Development Editorial Specialist and Analyst, Mitretek Healthcare |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | Editorial Freelancers Association American Public Health Association New England Science Writers American Medical Writers Association |
Uzmanlık alanı | Agriculture, Agroecology, Animal husbandry, Farming, Fisheries/aquaculture, General biochemistry, Plant genetics/phytogenetics, Plant pathology/phytopathology, Botany, Cell biology, Entomology, Evolutionary biology, Genetics, Genomics, Marine sciences, Agricultural microbiology, Soil microbiology, Environmental microbiology, Molecular biology, Veterinary sciences, Ichthyology, Mammalogy, Zoology, Conservation, Ecology, Environmental resources, Paleontology, Soil sciences, Microbiology, Anthropology |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 6 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | BS, Biology, minor in philosophy, The Ohio State University, USA |
Mesleki Sertifikasyon | Certificate in Science Writing, Graduate Science Communication Program, University of California, USA |
Yayın deneyimi | The Future of Human Healthspan: Demography, Evolution, Medicine, Bioengineering Task Group Summaries, New Scientist, Science (online), Bicycle Times, and Innovation |
Yazılmış Kitaplar | The Future of Human Healthspan, National Academies Keck Futures Initiative |
Sertifikalar ve Ödüller | National Academies Science Writer, National Academies Keck Futures Initiative ARCS Scholar, Achievement Rewards for College Scientists |
İş deneyimi | Science Communication Intern, Point Reyes National Seashore Science-Writing Intern, Los Alamos National Laboratory Laboratory Research Assistant, The Ohio State University College of Medicine Science Intern, The Ocean Alliance |
Uzmanlık alanı | Biochemistry, Genetics, Microbiology, Molecular & Cell biology, Advanced medical science, Cancer medicine/Oncology, Experimental medicine, General medicine, Health sciences & Social medicine, Immunology, Internal medicine, Molecular medicine, Pathophysiological sciences, Pediatrics, Physiological sciences, Chemo-Pharmaceutical sciences, Medico-pharmaceutical sciences, Applied lifesciences And biosciences, Biotechnology, Veterinary medical sciences, Zoology, Anatomy, Biosystems medicine, Neurological sciences, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Surgery, Media/Communication, Psychology, Social Science, Social work and Social policy, Sociology |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 17 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | Graduate-level courses and Research in Molecular Biology, The University of Texas, USA BS, Animal Bioscience, Penn State University, USA |
Mesleki Sertifikasyon | Short Course for Journal Editors, Council of Biology Editors Scientific Editing, EEI Tables and Graphs, American Medical Writers’ Association Medical Reference Resources on the Internet, American Medical Writers’ Association Advanced Editing, EEI Proofreading, EEI Online Campus |
Yayın deneyimi | The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Nutrition |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | Board of Editors in the Life Sciences American Medical Writers Association |
Uzmanlık alanı | Agriculture, Animal husbandry, Fisheries/Aquaculture, Plant physiology/Phytophysiology, Botany, Marine sciences, Neurosciences, Veterinary sciences, Ichthyology, Zoology, Ecology, Forensic psychiatry , Anesthesiology, Cardiology, Emergency medicine, Endocrinology, Exercise physiology, General medicine, General surgery, Intensive/Critical medicine, Internal medicine, Nephrology, Obstetrics, Gynecology, Menstruation/Menopause, Physiology, Psychiatry, Emergency Surgery, Urology, Veterinary medicine |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 18 |
Ülke | New Zealand |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Physiology, North Carolina State University, USA MS, Biology, University of North Dakota, USA BS, Biology, Juniata College, USA |
Yayın deneyimi | Aquaculture, Aquatic Living Resources, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Comparative Biochemistry and physiology, General and Comparative Endocrinology, Journal of Applied Aquaculture, Journal of Aquatic Animal Health, Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, North American Journal of Fisheries Management, North American Journal of Aquaculture, The Progressive Fish Culturist |
Yayın deneyimi | American Zoologist, Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society of North Carolina |
İş deneyimi | Research Associate, University Of New Hampshire Research Specialist, University of Maryla Research Associate, North Carolina State University Consulting Biologist, Centro Oceanografia de Murcia |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | American Fisheries Society World Aquaculture Society |
Uzmanlık alanı | General biochemistry, Biotechnology, Biomodeling, Biophysics, Biostatistics, Cell biology, General/Molecular pathology, Applied genetics, Genetics, Genomics, Molecular biology, Nucleic acid research, Microbiology, Allergology, Biomedical research (Experimental medicine), Immunology, Medical physics, Medical statistics, Molecular medicine, Physiology, Pulmonology/Respiratory medicine |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 6 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | Post-Doc, Immunology, University of Michigan, USA Ph.D., Biophysics/Immunology, University of Minnesota, USA MS, Biophysics/Cell Biology, University of Minnesota, USA MD MT (ASCP), Medical Technology, National Naval Medical Center, USA BA, Biology/Chemistry, Biology/Chemistry, USA |
Yayın deneyimi | Antimicrobial Agents Chemotherapy, Pharmacol. Therapeutics Dentistry, Surg., Gynecol. Obstet., Mech. Ageing Develop., J. Immunol., Mech. Ageing Develop., Exp. Cell Res., Cell Biophysics, J. Gerontol.: Biol. Sci., Molec. Immunol., Ann. Allergy, Asthma & Clin. Immunol., Molec. Immunol., Clin. Exp. Allergy, Int’l. Archives Allergy Immunol., Human Immunol, Eur. Biophys. J. |
İş deneyimi | Graduate Research Assistant, University of Minnesota Medical School Research Associate, University of Iowa Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Michigan Medical School Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Minnesota Medical School Research Projects Manager, University of Minnesota Medical School Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota Medical School |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | American Association for the Advancement of Science American Association of Immunologists American Medical Writers Association |
Uzmanlık alanı | Biochemistry, Biomodeling, Cell biology, Cognitive science, General/Molecular pathology, Molecular biology, Neurosciences, Neural networks, Molecular medicine, Neuromedicine, Physiology, Psychiatry, Medico-Pharmaceutical Sciences, Toxicology |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 18 |
Ülke | Canada |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Medical Physiology/Neuroscience, University of Calgary, Canada |
Akran - değerlendirme deneyimi | Advances in Neurology, Oxford University Press, Wiley-Liss, Academic Press |
Yayın deneyimi | Learning and Memory, Neuropsychopharmacology, Neuroscience, Journal of Neuroscience, Hippocampus, FASEB Journal, Learning and Memory, Journal of Neurophysiology, Neuroscience Letters, Journal of Neurochemistry, |
Yazılmış Kitaplar | Neuroglia, Oxford University Press |
Sertifikalar ve Ödüller | Young Investigator Award, National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia And Depression NARSAD-USA. |
İş deneyimi | Researcher, Mount Sinai Hospital Instructor, University of Toronto Researcher and Instructor, University of Alberta Researcher, University of British Columbia |
Uzmanlık alanı | General biochemistry, Metabolism, Biotechnology, Cell biology, Enzymology, Food sciences, Pharmaceutical microbiology, Bacteriology, Medical microbiology, Clinical pathology, General pathology, Microbiology, Pharmaceutical research, Pharmacotherapy, Biomedical research (Experimental medicine), Cardiology, Clinical microbiology, Clinical/Anatomical pathology, Endocrinology, Exercise physiology, General medicine, Hematology, Immunology, Internal medicine, Nephrology, Nutrition, Physiology, Sports medicine & technology, Vascular medicine |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 19 |
Ülke | New Zealand |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Experimental Pathology, University of Otago, New Zealand PGDip, Biochemistry, University of Otago, New Zealand BSc, Biochemistry, University of Otago, New Zealand |
Yayın deneyimi | British Journal of Experimental Pathology, Clinical Science, New Zealand Medical Journal, Pathology, New Zealand Family Physician, Clinical Science, Journal of Diabetic Complications, Clinical Nephrology, Atherosclerosis Reviews, Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Diabetes Nutrition and Metabolism, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, Nephron, Renal Failure, Clinical and Experimental Hypertension, J Human Hypertension, American Journal Cardiology, Pharmacology & Toxicology, Journal New Zealand Dietetic Association, Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, Phytotherapy Research, Diabetes Obesity & Metabolism, Diabetologia, Free Radical Research, Diabetes and Vascular Disease Research, Hormone Metabolic Research, Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, Journal of Obesity |
Sertifikalar ve Ödüller | New Zealand Certificate of Science, Medical Laboratory |
İş deneyimi | Scientist, Christchurch Hospital Scientist, Efamol NZ Ltd Scientist, New Zealand Electricity South Island Botany Laboratory Scientific Officer, University of Otago Medical School Medical laboratory technologist, Kew Hospital |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | Australasian Society for Experimental Pathology Committee member Christchurch Medical Research Society Australian and New Zealand Society of Nephrology International Society for Clinical Haemorheology New Zealand Society for the Study of Diabetes European Society for the Study of Diabetes New Zealand Hospital Scientific Officer’s Association HRC Health Delivery Assessing Committee |
Uzmanlık alanı | General neurosciences, Developmental neuroscience, Behavioral neuroscience, Psychiatric and Mental health nursing, General psychiatry, Neuromedicine, Neurosurgery, Molecular biology |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 9 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Neuroscience, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, USA MSc, Behavioral Neuroscience, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, USA BA, Biological Bases of Behavior, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA |
Yayın deneyimi | Schizophrenia Research, Neuropsychopharmacology, Biological Psychiatry, Arch Gen Psychiatry, and Synapse, Neurosci., Ann NY Acad Sci |
Sertifikalar ve Ödüller | NIH/NIMH K01 Award NARSAD Young Investigator Award Lilly Fellowship Award Society of Biological Psychiatry Membership Scholarship Hartford Research Scholar Scottish Rite Schizophrenia Research Program Award |
İş deneyimi | Research Scientist, University of North Carolina Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of North Carolina Research Assistant, University of Pennsylvania Graduate Student Researcher, University of Pittsburgh Teaching Assistant, University of Pittsburgh |
Uzmanlık alanı | Otolaryngology, Rehabilitation sciences, Speech/Audio therapy Medical education, Pediatrics, Cognitive science, Health information management, Healthcare policies/economics, Hospital management/administration, Public health management/administration, General medicine, Physiology, Radiology/Imaging, Infertility |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 7 |
Ülke | Australia |
Eğitim | Diploma , Publishing, Australian College, Australia Diploma , Audiology, Melbourne University, Australia B A , Linguistics, Monash University, Australia |
İş deneyimi | District Manager/Paediatric Audiologist, Australian Hearing Consulting Audiologist, Audioclinic |
Uzmanlık alanı | General biochemistry, Biotechnology, Biomedical engineering, Cellular engineering, Biomolecular engineering, Cancer research, Cell biology, Embryology, Evolutionary biology, Applied genetics, Genetics, Genetic engineering, Genomics, Bacteriology, Medical microbiology, Molecular biology, Developmental neuroscience, Cellular neuroscience, Neurosciences, Anatomical/surgical pathology, Molecular pathology, Histopathology, Proteomics/protein studies, Structural biology, Nucleic acid research, Microbiology, Anatomy, Biomedical research (experimental medicine), Cardiology, Chest medicine, Endocrinology, General medicine, Hematology, Immunology, Molecular medicine, Nephrology, Neurology, Family planning, Laparoscopy, Obstetrics, Gynecology, Perinatology, Incontinence, Infertility, Menstruation/menopause, Obstetric/gynecological surgery, Oncology, Physiology, Pulmonology/respiratory medicine, Cardiac/cardiovascular surgery, Urology, Vascular medicine |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 6 |
Ülke | United Kingdom |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Developmental Biology, University College London, UK BSc, Anatomy & Developmental Biology (Honours), University College London, UK |
Yayın deneyimi | Obstetrician & Gynaecologist journal |
İş deneyimi | Assistant Editor, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Junior Technician, University College London |
Uzmanlık alanı | Plant biochemistry, General biochemistry, Metabolism, Animal biochemistry, Biophysics, Plant anatomy/Phytoanatomy, Plant physiology/Phytophysiology, Cancer research, Cell biology, Enzymology, Pharmaceutical microbiology, Medical microbiology, Molecular biology, Structural biology, Pharmaceutical research, Biomedical research (Experimental medicine), Infectious disease, Molecular Medicine, Pulmonology/Respiratory medicine, Vascular medicine |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 17 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Cardiovascular, University of Sherbrooke, Canada MS, Plant Biochemistry, University of Sherbrooke, Canada BS, Biology (Honours), University of Concordia, Canada |
Yayın deneyimi | Am. J. Physiol, J. Biol. Chem, Biochemistry, J. Physiol., Purinergic Signal., Am. J. Respir. Cell Mol. Biol., J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., Mol. Cell, Drug Dev. Res., Mol. Med., Eur. J. Pharmacol., Biochim. Biophys. Acta, Biochem. Pharmacol., New Phytol. |
Yayın deneyimi | Springer, Biomembranes |
İş deneyimi | Editor-In-Chief, Springer Publishing Co. Advisor, CFRx Research Institute Research Assistant Professor, Cystic Fibrosis Pulmonary Research/Treatment Center Consultant Biochemist, Inspire Pharmaceutical Inc. Researcher, University of British Columbia |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | Board of editors in Open Arthritis Journal Board of editors in Open Rheumatology Journal Board of editors in ISRN Pulmonology Journal Board of editors in International Journal of COPD Board of editors in Drug Metabolism and Toxicology |
Uzmanlık alanı | General biochemistry, Cognitive science, General/Molecular pathology, Molecular biology, Developmental neuroscience, Cognitive neuroscience, Cellular neuroscience, Behavioral neuroscience, Neurosciences, Clinical pathology, General pathology, Biomedical research (Experimental medicine), Clinical/Anatomical pathology, Neurology |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 5 |
Ülke | Australia |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Pathology, University of Adelaide, Australia BS, Health Sciences (Honours), University of Adelaide, Australia |
Yayın deneyimi | Biochimica et biophysica acta, . J Neurotrauma., . J.Biol. Chem., J. Cereb. Blood. Flow. Metab., J. Lipid. Res., E. Biofactors, J. Neurosci., Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol., J. Neurotrauma., J. Am. Coll. Nutr., Curr. Opin. Neurol. |
Sertifikalar ve Ödüller | International Conference on Alzheimer’s disease Travel Award Canadian Institute of Health Research Fellowship Travel Award International Neurotrauma Symposium Travel Award |
İş deneyimi | Clinical monitor and Laboratory Technician, CMAX Clinical Drug Studies Unit |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | National Health and Medical Research Council |
Uzmanlık alanı | Cancer research, Cell biology, Evolutionary biology, Applied genetics, Genetics, Genetic engineering, Genomics, Pharmaceutical microbiology, Molecular biology, Proteomics/Protein studies, Structural biology, Zoology, Nucleic acid research, Pharmacogenomics |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 5 |
Ülke | United Kingdom |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Biochemistry, University College, London, UK MSc, Information Technology, Manchester University, UK MSc, Biochemistry, Warsaw University, Poland |
Yayın deneyimi | Proteomics |
Yayın deneyimi | Methods Mol Biol., BMC Bioinformatics, Proteomics, International Journal of Developmental Biology, and Nucleic Acids Research, Bioinformatics |
İş deneyimi | Research Assistant/Technical Expert, CIC bioGUNE Scientific Computing Analyst, Celltech R&D Senior Software Engineer, Labsystems Affinity Sensors Principal Software Engineer, FEGS Ltd. Research Assistant in Biochemistry, Cambridge University Research Assistant, Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics |
Uzmanlık alanı | Cancer research, Embryology, Anthropology, Alternative medicine, Chiropractic medicine, Biomedical research (Experimental medicine), Epidemiology, Health information management, Public health management/administration, Healthcare policies/economics, Infectious diseases, Medical education, Family planning, Obstetrics, Gynecology, Perinatology, Pediatrics, Physiology |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 19 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Public Health (Policy), University of Texas Health Science Center School of Public Health, USA MA, Human Services Administration, St. Edward’s University, USA BA, Business Administration, Coe College, USA |
Yayın deneyimi | Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, American Journal of Medical Genetics, Clinical and Molecular Teratology, Preventive Medicine, Journal of Genetic Counseling, Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol, J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. |
İş deneyimi | Policy & Prevention Researcher, Texas Department of State Health Services Birth Defects Epidemiology & Surveillance Information Specialist, Texas Department of State Health Services Bureau of Kidney Health Care Adjunct Faculty, Austin Community College Department of Management |
Uzmanlık alanı | Biomedical research (Experimental medicine), Clinical microbiology, Critical/Intensive medicine, Dermatology, Endocrinology, Epidemiology, General medicine, Public health management/administration, Immunology, Infectious disease, Molecular medicine, Neurology, Psychiatry, Pulmonology/Respiratory medicine, Sleep medicine, Yoga, Hypnosis |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 5 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Microbiology and Immunology, Tulane University, USA BS, Microbiology, Pennsylvania State University, USA |
Mesleki Sertifikasyon | Technical Editing (3 credits), Northern Virginia Community College |
Yayın deneyimi | Veterinary Pathology, Infection and Immunity, Vaccine |
İş deneyimi | Science and Technology (S&T) Policy Fellow, US Office of Naval Research Global (ONRG) National Research Council Fellow, US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Disease (USAMRIID) |
Uzmanlık alanı | Entomology, Plant pathology, Ecology, Virology, Molecular biology, Biological control, Arachnology and Weed sciences |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 37 |
Ülke | Canada |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Entomology, University of California, USA BSc, Botany and Zoology, University of British Columbia, Canada |
Yayın deneyimi | J. Entomol. Soc., Calif. Agric., Can. Entomol., Environ. Entomol., J. Appl. Ecol., Can. J. Zool., Can. J. Plant Sci., Hilgardia, J. Anim. Ecol. Behav. Res. Methods Instrum., Elsevier, Bull. Ent. Res., J. Entomol Brit. Col. |
Yayın deneyimi | Can. Agric., Proc. Knapweed Symposium, Can. Agric. Insect Pest Rev., Canadex, Naturalist |
İş deneyimi | Research Officer, Agriculture Canada Research Research Scientist, Agriculture Canada Research |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | Entomological Society of America Entomological society of British Columbia |
Uzmanlık alanı | Gastroenterology, Neurology, Psychiatric and mental health nursing, Pain medicine, Psychiatry, Plant biochemistry, General biochemistry, Metabolism, Animal biochemistry, Evolutionary biology, Developmental neuroscience, Cognitive neuroscience, Cellular neuroscience, Behavioral neuroscience, Neurosciences, Pharmaceutical research, Pharmaceutical toxicology, Yoga, Hospital management/administration, Infectious disease, Nursing, Rheumatology, Sleep medicine |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 18 |
Ülke | United Kingdom |
Eğitim | BSc, Biochemistry, University of Bristol, UK |
Yayın deneyimi | J Affect Disord., J Int Med Res |
Yayın deneyimi | Sage Publications, Cambridge Medical Publications, Field House Publishing, and Martin Dunitz Ltd. |
Yazılmış Kitaplar | Psychosis through My Eyes, Chipmunka Publishing |
Sertifikalar ve Ödüller | Beckman Platform Speaker Award, BCM Graduate School Symposium Beckman Poster Award, BCM Graduate School Symposium AP Scholar Honor Award, Golden Key National Honor Society, Honors College |
İş deneyimi | Writer and Illustrator, The Fashion Fairy Editorial Assistant, Journal of International Medical Research Editorial Assistant, Field House Publishing LLP Lead Scientific Specialist/ Production Editor /Senior Writer/Editor, PAREXEL MMS Writer/Editor, Oyster Healthcare Communications Writer/Editor, Cambridge Medical Publications Assistant Editor/Editor, Martin Dunitz Ltd Editorial Assistant/Production Editor, Oxford University Press |
Uzmanlık alanı | Computational neuroscience, Clinical neuroscience, Behavioral neuroscience, Cognitive neuroscience, Developmental neuroscience, Medical psychology, Neuropsychology, Political psychology, Psychology of religion, Psychophysics, Quantitative psychology, Social psychology |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 6 |
Ülke | United Kingdom |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Psychology, University Of Nottingham, UK MS, Physics (Honors), University Of Nottingham, UK |
Yayın deneyimi | Exp Brain Res, NeuroReport, Behav Brain, NeuroImage, J Neurosci |
Sertifikalar ve Ödüller | Union Prize, University of Nottingham Students’ Union |
İş deneyimi | Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Queen’s University Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University Of Birmingham |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | Neural Control of Movement Society Society for Neuroscience International Society for Motor Control |
Uzmanlık alanı | Cancer research, Cognitive science, Dental research, General/Molecular pathology, Genetics, Molecular biology, Neurosciences, Histopathology, Pharmaceutical research, General dentistry, Oral & Maxillofacial surgery, Orthodontics, Periodontics, Biomedical research (Experimental medicine), Epidemiology, General surgery, Laparoscopy, Physiology, Psychiatry, Urology |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 23 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | MS, Physiology, Indiana University, USA BS, Biology, Purdue University, USA |
Mesleki Sertifikasyon | Grammar, Style and Usage, International Association of Business Communicators Punctuation for Clarity and Style, American Medical Writers Association Statistics for Medical Writers and Editors, American Medical Writers Association Microediting, American Medical Writers Association Scientific Writing and Editing, Duke University Medical Writing, Duke University Certification in Human Subject Protection, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences HIPAA Research for Human Subjects Training Certification, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences The "Core" Course in the Protection of Human Research Subjects, Collaborative IRB training initiative |
Yayın deneyimi | Advances in Urology, The Journal of Sexual Medicine, Journal of Urology, The Journal of the Arkansas Medical Society, Teratology, Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, Hybridoma, The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, Journal of Histotechnology |
Sertifikalar ve Ödüller | Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, Training and Education in Professional Psychology, International Journal of Stress Management, School Psychology Quarterly, Psychological Services, Psychotherapy, International Journal of Play Therapy, Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, Psychoanalytic Psychology, American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, Neuropsychology, Men & Masculinity, Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, History of Psychology, Health Psychology, Review of General Psychology, Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, Families, Systems, & Health, Emotion, Dreaming, Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, Canadian Psychology Journal, Consulting Psychology Journal, Journal of Comparative Psychology, Cultural Diversity, Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, Canadian Journal of Behavioral Psychology, Behavioral Neuroscience, Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, Public Library of Science: Biology, Public Library of Science: Medicine, Public Library of Science: Computational Science, Public Library of Science: Pathogens, American Journal of Pathology, Journal of Molecular Diagnostics, Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons, The Ochsner Journal, Journal of Neurosurgery, Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics, Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine |
İş deneyimi | Biomedical Research Editor, Arkansas Center for Birth Defects Research Medical Writer/Editor, Health Science Ink, Inc. Grant Writer, Grants and Scientific Publications Office Scientist, Glaxo Wellcome Inc. Senior Research Technician, Bone Research Laboratory |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | Editorial Freelancers Association American Medical Writers Association Board of Editors in the Life Sciences |
Uzmanlık alanı | Allergology, Dermatology, Endocrinology, Epidemiology, Gastroenterology, General medicine, Geriatrics & Gerontology, Public health management/administration, Healthcare policies/economics, Internal medicine, Medical education, Nutrition, Family planning, Incontinence, Oncology, Ophthalmology, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Sleep medicine |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 6 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | MD, Medicine, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, USA MBA, University of Alabama Business School, USA BS, Chemistry, Birmingham-Southern College, USA |
Yayın deneyimi | Trans Am Ophthalmol, Dysmorphology, and Clinical Genetics |
Yayın deneyimi | British Journal of Ophthalmology, Retina Ophthalmology, International Journal of Ophthalmology, Veterinary Ophthalmology |
Sertifikalar ve Ödüller | Order of Omega Greek Letter Honorary Bicentennial Scholar Cigna Scholar Omicron Delta Kappa Honorary Mortar Board Honorary Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority |
İş deneyimi | Medical Director, PeerView Institute Ophthalmologist, University Eye Associates Vice-President, Clinical Decision Sciences Senior Vice-President, Minority Professional Network Independent Consultant, NewsRx Instructor, Eye Foundation Hospital Medical Editor, WebMD Corporation Editor, Walton Brooks Consulting |
Uzmanlık alanı | Animal behavior, Animal physiology, Virology, Microbiology, Parasitology, Cell biology, Zoology, Ecology, Ecological modeling, Environmental science, Genetics, Taxonomy, Bioinformatics, Medical research, Healthcare assessment, Health economics, Computer science, Computational modeling, Economics, Chemistry, and Engineering. |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 11 |
Ülke | United Kingdom |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Behavioral Ecology and Modeling, University of Sheffield, UK MSc (MRes), Bioinformatics, Exeter University, UK BSc, Biology (First Class Hons), University of Bristol, UK |
Yayın deneyimi | Nature, Current Biology, PNAS, Animal Behaviour, Royal Society Interface Journal, Royal Society Proceedings B, PLoS One, PLoS Biology, Journal of Experimental Biology, Ecological Entomology, Bio-systems, Behavioural Processes, Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology, Ethology, Chemical Senses, Naturwissenschaften, Functional Ecology, Animal Cognition, Ecology & Behavioral Ecology |
Yayın deneyimi | Journal of Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology, Memetic Computing, Current Biology, Animal Behaviour, Myrmecological News, Nature, Biosystems |
İş deneyimi | Associate Editor, Communicative and Integrative Biology Research Fellow, University of Sheffield Data Systems Consultant, National Health Service (UK) Senior Scientist, South West Water, Exeter (UK) Senior Scientific Officer, Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food (UK) |
Uzmanlık alanı | Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Cancer research, Genetics, Pharmaceutical microbiology, Bacteriology, Medical microbiology, Microbial physiology, Clinical pathology, Pharmaceutical chemistry, Pharmaceutical research, Pharmaceutical toxicology, Pharmaceutics, Pharmacognosy, Pharmacokinetics, Clinical microbiology, General medicine, Immunology, Infectious diseases, Internal medicine, Oncology, Pain medicine, Psychiatry, Cardiac/Cardiovascular surgery, Vascular medicine |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 25 |
Ülke | United Kingdom |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Microbiology, Aston University, UK BPharm, Pharmaceutical Sciences (Hons), University of London, UK |
Yayın deneyimi | Microbiol Immunol, J Clin Microbiol, J Med Microbiol, Pharmaceutical Press |
Yayın deneyimi | Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Diabetologia, International Journal of Pharmacy Practice |
İş deneyimi | Copy Editor, PharmPress Copy Editor, Wiley-Blackwell Copy Editor, Springer publications Senior Editorial Assistant, PharmPress Pharmacist, Moorfields Eye Hospital |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | Royal Pharmaceutical Society General Pharmaceutical Council of Great Britain |
Uzmanlık alanı | General biochemistry, Metabolism, Biotechnology, Biomolecular engineering, Cell biology, Evolutionary biology, General/Molecular pathology, Genetics, Genetic engineering, Parasitology, Virology, Environmental microbiology, Molecular biology, Proteomics/Protein studies, Nucleic acid research, Microbiology, Epidemiology, Immunology, Infectious disease, Molecular medicine, Eukaryotic biology, Quantitative biology, Virology, Bacterial diversity and pathogenesis, Water chemistry, Biosystems in environmental engineering, Vaccinology, Molecular techniques, Parasitology, Epidemiology, Microbiology, Protein bioinformatics, Organic, Inorganic, and Physical chemistry; Physics, Calculus, Statistics, Genetics, Virology, Physiological psychology, Neuroscience, Biochemistry, Alternative topics in health and healing, History of medicine and public health |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 6 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | MS, Advanced Biotechnology, Johns Hopkins University, USA MS, Environmental Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA MA, Molecular Biology, Princeton University, USA BS, Cell Biology and Biochemistry, Bucknell University, USA |
Yayın deneyimi | Virology Journal, American Journal of Physiology, Genetics |
Sertifikalar ve Ödüller | Bucknell University Award in Cell Biology and Biochemistry President’s Award for Distinguished Academic Achievement |
İş deneyimi | Writer, Words & Numbers |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | National Association of Science Writers Association for Women in Science |
Uzmanlık alanı | Cardiology, Dermatology, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, General medicine, General surgery, Geriatrics & Gerontology, Internal medicine, Family planning, Laparoscopy, Obstetrics, Gynecology, Perinatology, Incontinence, Infertility, Menstruation/Menopause, Obstetric/Gynecological surgery, Oncology, Cardiac/Cardiovascular surgery, Colorectal/Intestinal surgery, Emergency surgery, Trauma surgery, Vascular surgery, Urology |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 5 |
Ülke | United Kingdom |
Eğitim | MD, Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, USA BS, Physiology, University of California, USA |
Sertifikalar ve Ödüller | Golden Key National Honor Society Warren D. Mooney Award Red Hot Bandsman Award |
İş deneyimi | Generalist Obstetrician/Gynecologist, Tuality Community Hospital Resident Physician, Phoenix Integrated Residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology Intern, Californa Criminalistics Institute |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | American Medical Writers Association American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (FACOG) American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology American Medical Women’s Association NARAL Pro-Choice America Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health |
Uzmanlık alanı | Plant biochemistry, Animal biochemistry, Biotechnology, Bioprocess engineering, Biomedical engineering, Biomimetics, Cellular engineering, Biomolecular engineering, Tissue engineering, Biomaterial science, Proteomics/protein studies, Environmental chemistry, Environmental material sciences, Pharmaceutical chemistry, Pharmaceutical research |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 5 |
Ülke | United Kingdom |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Clinical Engineering, University of Liverpool, UK MSc, Medical Engineering, University of Liverpool, UK MChem, Chemistry, University of Durham, UK |
Yayın deneyimi | Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Advanced Functional Materials, Acta Biomaterialia, Chemical Society Reviews, Woodhead Publishing Ltd, IEEE Magnetics Letters, Macromolecular Symposia |
İş deneyimi | Postdoctoral Research Associate, Plataforma de Nanotecnología Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Sheffield |
Uzmanlık alanı | Endodontics, General dentistry, Oral & Maxillofacial pathology, Oral & Maxillofacial surgery, Orthodontics, Pediatric dentistry, Periodontics, Prosthodontics, Forensic dentistry, Dental research |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 35 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | BA, International Relations, The American University, USA |
Yayın deneyimi | Journal of Dental Research, Critical Reviews in Oral Biology & Medicine, and Advances in Dental Research |
Dergi Düzenleme | Journal of Dental Research, Advances in Dental Research, Critical Reviews in Oral Biology & Medicine, Acta Odontol Scand, Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop, Analytical Biochemistry, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Arch Oral Biol, Bone, Brazilian Oral Res, British Dental Journal, Caries Res, Cell Proliferation, Clinical Oral Implants Res, Clinical Oral Investigations, Community Dent Oral Epidemiol, Current Drug Metabolism, Dental Materials, Dental Materials Journal (Japan), Eur J Dental Education, Eur J Oral Sci, Forensic Sci Intl, General Dentistry, Gerodontology, Gerontology, Growth Factors, Health Education and Behavior, International Dental Journal, International Endodontic Journal, Int J Clin Exp Pathol, Int J Exp Pathology, Intl J Prosthodontics, Journal of Adhesive Dentistry, Journal of the American Dental Association, J Appl Oral Sci, J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater, Journal of the Canadian Dental Association, J Clin Endocrinol & Metabolism, J Cl in Oncol, J Clin Periodontol, J Dent Education, Journal of Dentistry, J Endodontics, J King Abdulaziz University: Med Sciences, J Oral Maxillofac Surg, J Oral Implantol, J Prosthet Dentistry, J Public Health Dentistry, Laser Physics Letters, Operative Dentistry, Oral Diseases, Oral Health & Preventive Dentistry, Orthodontics & Craniofacial Research, Pediatrics, Quintessence International, Saudi Dental Journal, Saudi Medical Journal, Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine, Tribology Letters, Wear |
İş deneyimi | Copyeditor, SAGE Publications Director of Publications, National Society of Public Accountants Managing Editor and Advertising Director, American Industrial Arts Association Conference Coordinator, Society of National Association Publications Secretary to the President, Science Communication, Inc. |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | National Association of Professional Women National Notary Association Notary Public for the Commonwealth of Virginia at Large Association Media & Publishing Editorial Freelancers Association |
Uzmanlık alanı | General biochemistry, Metabolism, Bioinformatics, Cancer research, Cell biology, Entomology, Enzymology, Evolutionary biology, Genetics, Genomics, Parasitology, Virology, Bacteriology, Medical microbiology, Molecular biology, Histopathology, Proteomics/Protein studies, Structural biology, Nucleic acid research, Microbiology, Clinical microbiology, Gastroenterology, Hematology, Immunology, Rheumatology |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 8 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Biology, University of Oxford, UK and The Scripps Research Institute, USA (Jointly awarded) BS, Biochemistry, University of Notre Dame, USA |
Yayın deneyimi | Genetics, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygeine, Immunity, Immunology, Annual Reviews Immunology, European Journal of Immunology, Nature, Journal of Experimental Medicine, Insect Molecular Biology, PLoS Biology, Blood, PubMed, Mucosal Immunology |
Yayın deneyimi | Elsevier, Nature, Science, Immunity, Journal of Experimental Medicine |
İş deneyimi | Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of California Teacher, University of Oxford |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | British Society of Immunology Fiona Powrie, Faculty of 1000 Medicine |
Uzmanlık alanı | General biochemistry, Metabolism, Cancer research, Cell biology, General/Molecular pathology, Pharmaceutical microbiology, Medical microbiology, Molecular biology, Molecular pathology, Microbiology, Pharmaceutical research, Biomedical research (Experimental medicine), Clinical/Anatomical pathology, Endocrinology, Immunology, Infectious diseases, Oncology, Organ transplantation, Pulmonology/Respiratory medicine |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 5 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Immunology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, USA BS, Microbiology, Pennsylvania State University, USA |
Yayın deneyimi | Clin Dev Immunol, Immunol Res, Diabetes, Cell Transplant |
Sertifikalar ve Ödüller | Autoimmunity/Immunopathology Training Grant Award |
İş deneyimi | Editor/Reviewer, University of Pittsburgh Researcher, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh Adjunct Faculty Member, Pennsylvania State University Tutor, University of Pittsburgh |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | American Medical Writers Association American Association for the Advancement of Science Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation The National Society for Collegiate Scholars |
Uzmanlık alanı | General biochemistry, Metabolism, Animal biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Cancer research, Cell biology, Enzymology, Genetics, Genomics, Molecular biology, Cellular neuroscience, Molecular pathology, Proteomics/Protein studies, Structural biology, Nucleic acid research, Microbiology, Pharmaceutical chemistry, Pharmaceutical research, Molecular medicine, Physiology |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 10 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Molecular Cancer Genetics, National University of Ireland, Ireland BSc Hons, Biochemistry, Queen's University, Belfast, UK |
Yayın deneyimi | Mol Endocrinol, Physiol Genomics, Nucl Recept Signal, J Clin Invest, Biochim Biophys Acta, Cell, J Biol Chem, Cancer, Nat Methods, Nucleic Acids Res, Sci STKE, Endocrinology, Ann N Y Acad Sci, J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol, Endocr Rev, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, Nature, Br J Cancer, Cancer Res, Biochem Soc Trans, Oncogene |
Sertifikalar ve Ödüller | Tim Bramley Prize Senate of Queen’s University, Belfast The Royal Irish Academy Award, Royal Irish Academy for excellence in science writing for lay audience. Fulbright & Jaworski LLP Faculty Excellence Award, Baylor College of Medicine for significantly contributing to the development of a variety of high quality, enduring educational materials |
İş deneyimi | Editor, Nuclear Receptor Signaling Associate Editor-In-Chief, Frontiers in Biology Associate Editor, Journal of Integrated –OMICS Co-director, NIDDK Functional Fingerprints of Coactivators Co-director, NIDDK Functional Atlas for Orphan Nuclear Receptors |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | American Association for the Advancement of Science Endocrine Society Academy of Distinguished Educators- Baylor College of Medicine |
Uzmanlık alanı | Alternative medicine, Meditation, Nutritional-based therapies, Biomedical research (Experimental medicine), Chest medicine, Critical/Intensive medicine, Emergency medicine, Epidemiology, Gastroenterology, General medicine, General surgery, Geriatrics & Gerontology, Public health management/administration, Healthcare policies/economics, Intensive/Critical medicine, Internal medicine, Medical technology, Nursing, Geriatric nursing, Pediatric nursing, Nutrition, Obstetrics, Palliative medicine, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Veterinary Medicine |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 10 |
Ülke | United Kingdom |
Eğitim | MBChB, Medicine(Honors), University Of Liverpool, UK |
Yayın deneyimi | InnovAIT |
İş deneyimi | Executive editor, Doctors’ Support Network Peer Reviewer, InnovAIT |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | General Medical Council (GMC) Doctors’ Support Network (DSN) |
Uzmanlık alanı | Cancer research, Cell biology, Genetics, Food microbiology, Virology, Bacteriology, Mycology, Medical microbiology, Molecular biology, Microbiology, Andrology, Biomedical research (Experimental medicine), Clinical microbiology, Endocrinology, General medicine, General surgery, Infectious diseases, Gynecology, Oncology, Emergency surgery |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 6 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Medical Sciences, University of Toledo, USA MS, Medical Science, Medical College of Ohio, USA BS, Biology, University of Toledo, USA |
Yayın deneyimi | Aquaculture research journal, Virology Journal, Archives of Virology, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology Journal, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, Clinical and Vaccine Immunology |
İş deneyimi | Biological Research Assistant, Medical College of Ohio Adjunct Professor, Owens Community College Assistant Professor, Herzing University |
Uzmanlık alanı | General biochemistry, Metabolism, Animal biochemistry, Biotechnology, Biophysics, Enzymology, Pharmaceutical microbiology, Parasitology, Virology, Bacteriology, Medical microbiology, Microbial physiology, Molecular biology, Structural biology, Nucleic acid research, Pharmaceutical chemistry, Pharmaceutical research, Cardiology, Infectious diseases, Molecular medicine |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 5 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | Postdoc, Enzymology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA Ph.D., Organic Chemistry, University of Washington, USA BS, Chemistry, Applied Computing & IT, Harvey Mudd College, USA |
Yayın deneyimi | Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., Biorg. Chem., PLoS ONE, Environ. Sci. Technol., J. Org. Chem., Syntheses of L-Ovothiols A and C. J. Org. Chem., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Biochemistry, Gene, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci USA, J. Med. Chem., Bioorg. Med Chem., Proteins, Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., Arch. Biochem. Biophys. Assay and Drug Dev. Technol., Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery, . J. Structural Biol., . PLoS Negl. Trop. Dis., J. Bacteriol., Anal. Biochem. |
Sertifikalar ve Ödüller | Basic Skills Certificate, American Medical Writers Association |
İş deneyimi | Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Michigan Associate Research Scientist, University of Michigan Associate Research Fellow, Pfizer Ltd. Research Scientist, Parke-Davis / Warner-Lambert Captain, U.S. Army Chemical Corps Assistant Editor, National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences Member of the Editorial Board, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., Publishers |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | American Chemical Society American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology American Medical Writers Association |
Uzmanlık alanı | Biofeedback, Cardiology, General medicine, Geriatrics & Gerontology, Infectious diseases, Internal medicine, Medical technology, Nephrology, Neurology, Psychiatric and mental health nursing, Oncology, Pain medicine, Physiology, Psychiatry, Radiology/Imaging, Rheumatology, Sleep medicine, Urology, Physical therapy, Pharmaceutical research, Pharmacotherapy |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 15 |
Ülke | Canada |
Eğitim | MA, Physiological Psychology, Simon Fraser University, Canada BA, Psychology, York University, Canada |
Yayın deneyimi | L&M Healthcare Communications, MedSci, Excerpta Medica, The Lancet Neurology, BC Decker, Inc., BlueSpark Healthcare Communications, Alzheimer's & Dementia, Sui Generis Health, The American Journal Of Managed Care, iMedOptions, SAGE KE, Searcher: The Magazine for Database Professionals, Technical Insights, Macmillan Reference USA |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | American Medical Writers Association (AMWA) National Association of Science Writers (NASW) |
Uzmanlık alanı | Cancer research, Cell biology, Embryology, Evolutionary biology, General/Molecular pathology, Applied genetics, Genetics, Genomics, Molecular biology, Developmental neuroscience, Cellular neuroscience, Neurosciences, Hematopathology, Cytopathology, Anatomical/Surgical pathology, Molecular pathology, Histopathology, General pathology, Biomedical research (Experimental medicine), Clinical/Anatomical pathology, Molecular medicine |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 11 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Developmental Biology, Baylor College of Medicine, USA BS, Biochemistry, University of Houston, USA |
Yayın deneyimi | PLOS Biology, Annual Review of Genetics, Curr Opin Neurobiol, Developmental Cell, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA |
Sertifikalar ve Ödüller | Beckman Platform Speaker Award, BCM Graduate School Symposium Beckman Poster Award, BCM Graduate School Symposium AP Scholar Honor award, Golden Key National Honor Society, Honors College |
İş deneyimi | Teacher, Bosch Bahá’í School |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | American Medical Association American Physician Scientists Association Genetics Society of America American Society of Human Genetics |
Uzmanlık alanı | Analytical chemistry, Applied chemistry, Biochemistry, Coordination chemistry, Electrochemistry, Environmental chemistry, Geochemistry, Inorganic chemistry, Marine chemistry, Natural products chemistry, Organic chemistry, Organometallic chemistry, Physical chemistry, Solid state chemistry, Spectroscopy Structural chemistry, Environmental science, Geochemistry, Renewable energy/alternate sources, Bioengineering, Biotechnology, Chemical engineering, Environmental material sciences, Biomaterial science, Polymer science and engineering, Biophysics, Medical physics |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 8 |
Ülke | United Kingdom |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Bioinorganic Chemistry, University of Nottingham, UK BSc, Chemistry(Honours), University of Durham, UK |
İş deneyimi | Account Director, Langland Project Manager, Medical Action Communications Medical Projects Co-ordinator, Medical Action Communications Postdoctoral Research Assistant, University of Nottingham |
Uzmanlık alanı | Algorithms, Artificial intelligence, Computer and society, Computer communications (networks), Computer networking, Computer science, Computer security and reliability, Computer software, Data mining, Data structures, Database, Human-computer interaction, Human-Machine interface, Information management, Information retrieval, Information systems (Business informatics), Knowledge management, Neural networks, Operating systems, Programming languages |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 8 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Computer Science, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA MS, Computer Science, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA BS, Computer Science, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA |
Mesleki Sertifikasyon | Writing for Children and Young Adults, The Institute of Children’s Literature |
Yayın deneyimi | SCBWI Bulletin, The Blue Review, Highlights for Children, American Assoc. of Artificial Intelligence, Java. Masters Thesis, Doct. Dissertation |
Sertifikalar ve Ödüller | McKinney Writing Competition, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
İş deneyimi | Adjunct Lecturer, The College of Saint Rose Adjunct Lecturer, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | Society of Children’s Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) Children’s Literature Connection (CLC) Cliff House Writers |
Uzmanlık alanı | Analytical chemistry, Applied chemistry, Coordination chemistry, Inorganic chemistry, Organic chemistry, Physical chemistry, Solid state chemistry, Astrochemistry, Nuclear chemistry, Ceramics, Nanomaterials, Polymer science and engineering, Plasma physics/Chemistry, Biomaterial science |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 37 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | MS, Telecommunications, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA MS & ABD, Chemistry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA AB, Chemistry, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY |
Sertifikalar ve Ödüller | Society for Technical Communication (STC) award Cisco Achievement Program (CAP) corporate award AT&T R&D Golden Pyramid Lucent/Bell Labs Bravo corporate awards |
İş deneyimi | Writer/Editor, Avaya Writer/Editor, Polycom Senior technical writer, Cisco Systems Documentation manager, Bell Labs Documentation manager, AT&T Documentation manager, Lucent |
Uzmanlık alanı | Environmental chemistry, Geochemistry, Marine chemistry, Atmospheric sciences, Environmental science, Mineralogy, Oceanography, Ocean engineering, Environmental engineering, Environmental material sciences, Ecological engineering |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 18 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | MMA (Masters in Marine Affairs), University of Rhode Island, USA MSc, Chemical Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, USA BS in Geology, Cum Laude. New England College, Henniker, New Hampshire, USA |
Yayın deneyimi | Blackwell, Science, Nature of Geophysical Research and Journal of New England Water Works Association |
İş deneyimi | Managing Editor, Intercoast Network Newsletter Paraeducator, Montgomery County Public Schools Graduate Student Researcher, Cornell University Graduate Student Teaching Assistant, Cornell University Marine Research Specialist III, Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | Rhode Island Coastal Resources Management Council |
Uzmanlık alanı | Information technology, Systems engineering, Electronics engineering, Telecommunication engineering, Computer science, Image processing, Electrical engineering |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 11 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Engineering (Wireless Communications), Hokkaido University, Japan MSc, Space Communications Engineering (Distinction), University of the West Indies, Trinidad BSc, Electrical & Computer Engineering, New Horizons Training Center, Jamaica |
Mesleki Sertifikasyon | Microsoft Certified Professional Certificate in Novell Netware Administration |
Yayın deneyimi | IEICE Transactions and Limnology |
İş deneyimi | Post-Doctoral Researcher, Institut d'Électronique et de Télécommunications de Rennes (IETR) Lecturer, The University of Technology, Jamaica |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers |
Uzmanlık alanı | Applied information sciences, Computer networking, Computer science, Computer software, Information management, Knowledge management, Multimedia, Hypermedia, Programming languages, Software engineering |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 20 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | BA, Technical Communications, St. Edward’s University, Austin Texas |
Mesleki Sertifikasyon | Technical Writing And Editing, IBM Management School Technical Writing Tools, IBM Management School Six-Sigma Quality training, IBM Management School Business Environment, Project Planning And Management, IBM Management School Graphics, IBM Management School Development Lifecycle, IBM Management School |
Yayın deneyimi | Journal of the Society for Technical Communications |
İş deneyimi | Senior Research Writer, EBSCO Publishing, Inc. Senior Technical Writer/Editor, InfoPros, Inc. Sr. Technical Writerand Editor, IBM Corebank International Center Proposal Writer, WSI Internet Consulting and Education Senior Technical Writer and Editor, IBM WebSphere Commerce Sr. Technical Writer, AirGate PCS (Sprint) Sr. Technical Writer, Advanced Technology Systems Director of Documentation, MicroStrategy, Inc. Sr. Technical Writer, IBM Corebank International Center |
Uzmanlık alanı | Engineering physics, Nanoengineering, Nanotechnology, Signal processing, Biophysics, Computational physics, Condensed matter physics, Low temperature physics, Mathematical physics, Mechanics, Molecular physics, Quantum physics, Semiconductor physics, Theoretical physics, Design of experiments, Statistical modeling |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 6 |
Ülke | United Kingdom |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Semiconductor Physics, Cambridge University, UK MSc, Physics, Cambridge University, UK BA, Physics (Honours), Cambridge University, UK |
Yayın deneyimi | Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Physical Review B, PNAS, and Physica E |
İş deneyimi | Research Associate, University College London Research Associate, King’s College London |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | European Association of Science Editors Editorial Board of Applied Physics Research St. Thomas’s Hospital Research Ethics Committee Institute of Physics |
Uzmanlık alanı | Environmental science, Geochemistry, Geography, Geology, Mineralogy, Petrology, Sedimentology, Tectonics, Volcanology Energy (general), Mining |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 33 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Geological Sciences, University of California Los Angeles, USA BSc. Geology, University of Pennsylvania, USA |
Yayın deneyimi | USGS Open-File Report, Economic Geology, Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Special Volume, USGS Digital Data Series, USGS Circular |
İş deneyimi | Geologist, Pathfinder Mines Corporation Research Geologist, US Geological Survey Senior Geologist, Watts, Griffis and McOuat Ltd. |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | Sigma Xi -Scientific Research Society Geological Society of America Geological Association of Canada Society of Economic Geologists Association of Exploration Geochemists Colorado Scientific Society |
Uzmanlık alanı | Analytical chemistry, Biochemistry, Inorganic chemistry, Natural products chemistry, Organic chemistry, Organometallic chemistry Spectroscopy, Structural chemistry, Biotechnology, Chemical engineering |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 17 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Organic Chemistry, The Ohio State University, USA BA, Chemistry, The University of Indianapolis, USA |
Akran - değerlendirme deneyimi | J. Med. Chem. |
Yayın deneyimi | Expert Op. Ther. Pat., J. Med. Chem., Bioorg. & Med. Chem. Lett., J. Comb. Chem., Org. Lett., Tetrahedron Lett., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Org.Synth., Tetrahedron, Tetrahedron Lett. |
İş deneyimi | Principal Scientist/Senior Scientist, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Graduate Research Associate, The Ohio State University Organic Chemist/Associate Organic Chemist, Eli Lilly and Company |
Uzmanlık alanı | Environmental chemistry, Geochemistry, Inorganic chemistry, Marine chemistry, Organometallic chemistry, Spectroscopy, Environmental science, Geochemistry, Geography, Hydrogeology, Hydrology, Petrology, Oceanography, Energy (general), Energy conservation, Renewable energy/alternate sources, Petroleum engineering, Metallurgy, Probability theory, Stochastic processes |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 7 |
Ülke | United Kingdom |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Limnology, University of Ulster, UK MA, Science Journalism, City University London, UK BSc, Environmental Science (Honors), University of Ulster, UK HND, Science (Environmental Studies), University of Ulster, UK |
Yayın deneyimi | Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry; Long Range Planning; Aquaculture; Fisheries Research; Water Science and Technology; Human and Ecological Risk Assessment; Water and Environment Journal; Environmental Pollution; Limnology and Oceanography; BMC Genomics; PLoS ONE; African Policy Watch |
Sertifikalar ve Ödüller | Peer Support Skills (PSS) Certificate, University of Ulster |
İş deneyimi | Senior Science Writer, RSK Environment Science Journalist, Cosmos Magazine Assistant Editor-in-Chief, UN-supported Centre for African Affairs and Global Peace Editorial and Publishing Assistant, Elsevier Science Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Cranfield University |
Uzmanlık alanı | Analytical chemistry, Environmental chemistry, Geochemistry, Organic chemistry, Spectroscopy, Data management, Atmospheric sciences, Environmental science, Geochemistry, Geology, Meteorology, Soil science, Energy conservation, Renewable energy/alternate sources, Chemical engineering, Ergonomics, Mining, Environmental engineering, Environmental material sciences, Operations research |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 6 |
Ülke | Australia |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Environmental Science, Murdoch University, Australia GradDip, Occupational Health and Safety, Curtin University, Australia BS, Environmental Science, Murdoch University, Australia |
İş deneyimi | Strategic Projects Coordinator, Midland Airshed Study Industrial Emissions Specialist, Western Australian Department of Environment and Conservation Environmental Advisor, BHP Billiton Iron Ore |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI) Clean Air Society of Australia and New Zealand (CASANZ) |
Uzmanlık alanı | Applied chemistry, Biochemistry, Coordination chemistry, Inorganic chemistry, Natural products chemistry, Organic chemistry, Organometallic chemistry, Catalysis, Nanomaterials, Polymer science and engineering |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 13 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Organic Chemistry, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA Management of Technology, MBA, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, USA NIH Predoctoral Fellow, University of Chicago, USA BS, Chemistry, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA |
Yayın deneyimi | Tetrahedron letters, JACS |
İş deneyimi | Principle Consultant, C&M Consulting Technical Services Director, Bedoukian Research Inc Principal Research Chemist, ARCO Chemical Company |
Uzmanlık alanı | Astrobiology, Biochemistry, Environmental chemistry, Marine chemistry, Atmospheric sciences, Environmental science, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Hydrogeology, Hydrology, Meteorology, Paleobiology, Paleontology, Pedology, Oceanography, Tectonics, Volcanology, Renewable energy/alternate sources |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 10 |
Ülke | Australia |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Environmental Chemistry, Griffith University, Australia BS (Hons), Health Science, Griffith University, Australia BS, Health Science, Griffith University, Australia |
Yayın deneyimi | Talanta, Aquat. Toxicol., Environ. Toxicol. Chem., Soil Sed. Contam., Sci. Total. Environ, Environ Sci Technol, Chemosphere, Headache, Am. J. Med. Genet., Smorgasboarder. |
Akran - değerlendirme deneyimi | Environmental Toxicolgy and Chemistry, Environmental Science and Technology, Talanta, Aquatic Toxicology, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences |
Sertifikalar ve Ödüller | Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) School of Health Science Honours Scholarship Queensland Department of Education Graduate Diploma of Education Scholarship Churchill Livingstone Pharmacology Award |
İş deneyimi | Casual consultant, FRC Environmental Consultancy University Tutor, Griffith University |
Uzmanlık alanı | Computer architecture, Computer hardware, Computer software, Human-computer interaction, Information management, Information systems (Business informatics), Knowledge management, Geography, Biomolecular engineering, Textile engineering, Algebra, Applied mathematics, Probability theory, Applied physics, Medical physics, Newtonian dynamics, Sampling and survey, Statistical modeling, Systems theory |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 6 |
Ülke | United Kingdom |
Eğitim | BA (Hons), Mathematics, The Open University, UK |
Mesleki Sertifikasyon | Proofreading and Copy-editing, Writers Bureau Proofreading, Publishing Training Centre Web-editing, Society for Editors and Proofreaders On-Screen Editing I and II, Publishing Training Centre |
Yayın deneyimi | Temenos Academy Review, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, Journal of Defence Modelling and Simulation, Simulation, International Journal of Robotics and Research |
İş deneyimi | Department Head, AMP Society Strategy and Partnerships Manager, London Borough of Waltham Forest Finance and IT Manager, London Connects |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | Society for Editors and Proofreaders UK (SfEP) |
Uzmanlık alanı | Astrobiology, Environmental chemistry, Geochemistry, Physical chemistry, Geochemistry, Geology, Geophysics, Mineralogy, Petrology, Volcanology, Civil engineering, Environmental material Sciences, Ceramics, Material characterization and instrumentation, Thermodynamics |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 10 |
Ülke | Greece |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Earth and Space Sciences, SUNY Stony Brook University, USA MSc, Geology (minor Chemistry), University of Minnesota Duluth, USA Dip, Geological Sciences, University of Athens, Greece |
Yayın deneyimi | American Mineralogist; Chemical Geology; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Physics and Chemistry of Minerals; Geology; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Lithos |
Sertifikalar ve Ödüller | Academy of Sciences C.A. Ktenas Prize in Mineral Sciences, Athens, Greece (joint with D.H. Lindsley) Sigma Xi Graduate Research Award |
İş deneyimi | Laboratory Director & Partner, GeoTerra Ltd. Research Associate, Astromaterials Research Office, NASA JSC & Chemistry Dept., Texas Southern University, Houston, TX Graduate Research & Teaching Assistant, State University of New York Graduate Research & Teaching Assistant, University of Minnesota Duluth Assistant Mineralogist, University of Athens |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | American Geophysical Union ASTM Committee C07 on Lime ASTM Committee C09 on Concrete and Aggregates ASTM Committee C18 on Dimension Stone ASTM Committee D04 on Road and Paving Materials ASTM Committee D18 on Soil and Rock Testing American Society for Quality European Geosciences Union Eurostars Technical Expert Intota Network of Experts Geochemical Society Geological Society of Greece Accreditation Council of Greece Geological and Geotechnical Investigations Expert Registry of Geotechnical Professionals Registry of Consulting Geologists |
Uzmanlık alanı | Analytical chemistry, Applied chemistry, Biochemistry, Environmental chemistry, Geochemistry, Inorganic chemistry, Marine chemistry, Natural products chemistry, Organic chemistry, Organometallic chemistry, Physical chemistry, Spectroscopy, Structural chemistry, Theoretical chemistry, Atmospheric sciences, Environmental science, Soil science |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 15 |
Ülke | United Kingdom |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Environmental Chemistry, Lancaster University, UK MSc, Analytical Chemistry, The University of Salford, UK BSc, Chemistry, University of Sussex, UK |
Yayın deneyimi | Environ. Sci. Technol, Chemosphere, Environ. Pollut, Environ. Int., Environ. Health Perspect., . J. Environ. Monit., Environ. Toxicol. Chem, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology |
İş deneyimi | Advisor, Sunday Times magazine Consultant, ‘Which?’ magazine Advisor, BBC - Channel 4 Chair, Research Council of Norway |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | The Scientific World Journal Environment International Journal of Applied Sciences in Environmental Sanitation |
Uzmanlık alanı | Applied chemistry, Coordination chemistry, Electrochemistry, Inorganic chemistry, Interface and colloid science, Organic chemistry, Organometallic chemistry, Physical chemistry, Spectroscopy, Renewable energy/alternate sources, Civil engineering, Nanoengineering, Nanotechnology, Colloid & interface science, Composites, Material characterization and instrumentation, MEMS, Nanomaterials, Polymer science and engineering, Condensed matter physics |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 5 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Nanoscale Science, University of North Carolina, USA BS, Chemisty, The University of La Verne, USA |
Yayın deneyimi | Langmuir, CRC Press, Polyhedron |
İş deneyimi | Senior Materials Scientist, The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. Research Assistant, University of North Carolina Research Lead, Millenium Engineering and Integration Company Lecturer, University of La Verne |
Uzmanlık alanı | Astrophysics, Observational astronomy, Gemology, Aerospace/aeronautical engineering, Materials engineering, Telecommunication engineering, Electronic, optical and magnetic materials, Nanomaterials, Accelerator physics, Acoustics, Astrophysics, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics, Fluid physics, Magnetism & electromagnetism, Medical physics, Newtonian dynamics, Nuclear and high-energy physics, Optics, Particle physics, Thermodynamics |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 5 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | BS, Physics, Missouri State University, USA |
Mesleki Eğitim | Advanced Technical Writing and Editing, B.I. Literary Services Information Display® (mapping and formatting), B.I. Literary Services Quality and Compliance Lead Auditor Training, Los Alamos National Laboratory Effective Group Presentations, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Yayın deneyimi | Elsevier, Springer, SLCL, Nature |
İş deneyimi | General Manager, Lucas Technologies, LLC Technical Writer/Editor, Los Alamos National Laboratory Technical Editor, B.I. Literary Services Chief Writer, Springfield Writing Service |
Uzmanlık alanı | Astronomy/Astrophysics, Chemistry, Computer/Information sciences, Engineering, Material science & engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, Biophysics, Biomedical topics, Metabolomics, Numerical modelling, Fluid flow dynamics, Applied bacteriology |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 7 |
Ülke | New Zealand |
Eğitim | PGDipSc, Biological Sciences, The University of Auckland, New Zealand Ph.D., Physics, University of Auckland, New Zealand DipSc, Biological Sciences, University of Auckland, New Zealand MSc, Physics, University of Auckland, New Zealand BSc, Physics, University of Auckland, New Zealand |
Yayın deneyimi | Molecular Biosystems, Waikato Technical Report, New Zealand Microbiology |
Yayın deneyimi | PloSONE, Molecular Informatics, Nature Biotechnology, Journal of Proteome Research, BMC Microbiology, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, Journal of Food Engineering, Bioresource Technology, Physical Review Letters, BMC Infectious Diseases, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Journal of Applied Phycology, BMC research notes, BMC Clinical Pharmacology |
İş deneyimi | Lecturer, Auckland University of Technology |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | New Zealand Microbiological Society Entomological Society of New Zealand Vintage Phonograph Society of New Zealand Self-Publishers’ Association of New Zealand Volunteer, Disabilities Service at the University of Auckland Volunteer, English Language Partners |
Uzmanlık alanı | Chemistry, Materials, Environmental chemistry, Catalysis, Chemical engineering, Surface chemistry, Industrial chemistry |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 39 |
Ülke | South Africa |
Eğitim | DSc, University of Nottingham, UK Ph.D., Chemistry, University of Nottingham, UK BSc, Chemistry (Hons), University of Nottingham, UK |
Yayın deneyimi | Journal of Catalysis, Journal of Molecular Catalysis, Applied Catalysis, Catalysis Reviews: Science and Engineering, Langmuir, Journal of Physical Chemistry, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, Catalysis Letters, Materials Science and Engineering, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, European Journal of Physics, Materials Chemistry and Physics, European Polymer Journal, Journal of Materials Science, Journal of Polymer Research, Gold Bulletin, Journal of Macromolecular Science, Catalysis Today, Topics in Catalysis, Chemical Communications, Smart Materials and Structure, South African Journal of Science, Chemistry and Physics Letters, Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions |
İş deneyimi | Professor of Physical Chemistry, University Of the Witwatersrand, Applied Research Manager, Anglo American Research Laboratories (Pty) Ltd Visiting NATO Research Fellow, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Assistant Dean (Research) – Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | Royal Society of Chemistry UK American Chemical Society Catalysis Society of South Africa School of Chemistry’s Industrial Liaison Committee Molecular Sciences Institute Research Advisory Committee |
Uzmanlık alanı | Hydrogeology, Hydrology, Soil science, Energy (general), Energy conservation, Power engineering, Renewable energy/alternate sources, Biotechnology, Chemical engineering, Civil engineering Ecological engineering, Process engineering, Urban engineering, Environmental engineering |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 11 |
Ülke | United Kingdom |
Eğitim | MSc, Economics of Science and Innovation, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona & Universitat Pompeu Fabra BE, Environmental Engineering (Hons), The University of Queensland, Australia |
Yayın deneyimi | IFRF Combustion Handbook |
İş deneyimi | Energy-Environment Consultant and Technical Editor, International Flame Research Foundation Senior Consultant, Cardno Senior Infrastructure and Asset Management Consultant, Faber Maunsell AECOM (UK), Buro Happold (UK), South East Water (UK), Tube Lines (UK) Teaching Assistant and Researcher, The University of Queensland |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | Institute of Engineers |
Uzmanlık alanı | Computational chemistry, Electrochemistry, Inorganic chemistry, Biomodeling, Electrical engineering, Engineering physics, Materials engineering, Process engineering, Biomaterial science, Ceramics, Electronic, optical and magnetic materials, Material characterization and instrumentation, Applied physics, Computational physics, Design of experiments |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 5 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | MS, Materials Science and Engineering, Alfred University, USA MS, Electrical Engineering, Alfred University, USA BS, Physics, Western Washington University, USA |
Yayın deneyimi | Journal of Physical Chemistry, Solid State Ionics, Acta Materialia |
İş deneyimi | Technical Specialist, Alfred University BIOS Technical Specialist, Alfred University Research Assistant, New York State College of Ceramics |
Uzmanlık alanı | Astrophysics, Observational astronomy, Nanotechnology, Nanomaterials, Superconductors, Algebra, Applied mathematics, Calculus, Geometry and Topology, Logic and foundations of mathematics, Probability theory, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics, Condensed matter physics, Magnetism & Electromagnetism, Mathematical physics, Nuclear and High-energy physics, Optics, Particle physics, Quantum physics, Theoretical physics |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 16 |
Ülke | United Kingdom |
Eğitim | MSc, Theoretical Physics, University of Paris, France BA, Pure Mathematics, Trinity College, UK |
Yayın deneyimi | EPJ Springer, Cambridge University Press, Springer-Verlag |
Yazılmış Kitaplar | Uniformly Accelerating Charged Particles, Springer Self-Force and Inertia, Springer |
Uzmanlık alanı | Artificial intelligence, Bioinformatics, Computer and society, Computer communications (networks), Computer networking, Computer science, Computer security and reliability, Computer software, Human-computer interaction, Human-machine interface, Information management, Information systems (Business informatics), Knowledge management, The digital humanities (Humanities computing), Virtual reality, Energy conservation, Renewable energy/alternate sources, Robotics, Sensors, Systems engineering |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 15 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | MA, English, University of California, USA BA, English, University of California, USA |
Yayın deneyimi | IT Professional, IEEE Pervasive Computing, IEEE Intelligent Systems, IEEE Software |
İş deneyimi | Managing Editor, IEEE Computer Society Instructor, Hyperlearning Teaching Assistant, University of California |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | Editorial Freelancers Association |
Uzmanlık alanı | Engineering physics, Electronic optical and magnetic materials, Superconductors, Algebra, Applied mathematics, Calculus, Computational mathematics, Probability theory, Applied physics, Cryogenics, Low temperature physics, Magnetism & electromagnetism, Mechanics, Newtonian dynamics, Nonlinear and statistical physics |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 7 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Applied Mathematics, University of California, USA BS, Physics, California State University, USA |
Yayın deneyimi | Physica Scripta T, Foundations of Physics, Physica E, Laser Physics |
Sertifikalar ve Ödüller | UC Merced Legacy Award Outstanding student of UC Merced Applied Math Program |
İş deneyimi | Senior Research Assistant, University of California Medical Editor, WebMD Corporation Editor, Walton Brooks Consulting Inc. |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | Sigma Xi American Physical Society American Institute of Physics |
Uzmanlık alanı | Analytical chemistry, Biochemistry, Computational chemistry, Electrochemistry, Inorganic chemistry, Natural products chemistry, Organic chemistry, Organometallic chemistry, Physical chemistry, Spectroscopy, Structural chemistry, Biomolecular engineering, Biotechnology, Metals and alloys, Biophysics |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 9 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Chemical Sciences, University of Siena, Italy MS, Biophysics, University of Siena, Italy BS, Chemistry, University of Siena, Italy |
Yayın deneyimi | Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Biomolecular Concepts, Biophysical Chemistry, Biophysical Journal, Biochemical Journal, Journal of American Chemical Society, Journal of Molecular Biology, Journal of Biological Chemistry, Journal of Chemical Physics, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences |
İş deneyimi | Fellow, Institute on Science for Global Policy Postdoctoral Visiting Fellow, National Institute of Health (NIH) Research Fellow, University of Siena |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) American Chemical Society (ACS) Biophysical Society Women in Bio National Post-Doc Association |
Uzmanlık alanı | Artificial intelligence, Computer and society, Computer architecture, Computer science, Computer security and reliability, Data management, Data mining, Data structures, Database, Human-computer interaction, Human-machine interface, Informatics, Information management, Information systems (Business informatics), Knowledge management, Multimedia, Hypermedia, Parallel computing, Quantum computing, The digital humanities (Humanities computing), Virtual Reality |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 5 |
Ülke | United Kingdom |
Eğitim | MS, Applied Computing & IT, University of Bedfordshire , UK BA, English & European Literature, University of Essex, UK |
Mesleki Sertifikasyon | Further Adult Education Teaching Certificate Part 1,City & Guilds |
Yayın deneyimi | Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Information Society, International Journal for Infonomics |
İş deneyimi | Visiting Lecturer, University of Bedfordshire Sales Manager, Innovation D Ltd. Account Manager, STC Group |
Uzmanlık alanı | Inorganic chemistry, Nuclear chemistry, Organic chemistry, Physical chemistry, Spectroscopy, Structural chemistry, Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, Biophysics |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 9 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA BS, Chemistry, University of Delaware, USA |
Yayın deneyimi | International Journal of Radiation Biology, Journal of Radiation Research, Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry Journal |
Yayın deneyimi | Science, Nature, Journal of American Chemical Society, Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, Accounts of Chemical Research, Chemical Biology, Journal of Physical Chemistry, Nanoletters, Biochemistry, Cell, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Biochemical Research Methods, Biophysics, Biophysical Chemistry, DNA, Radiation Research, Cell Biology |
Sertifikalar ve Ödüller | Radiation Research Society Travel Award National Institutes of Health Postdoctoral Fellowship Howard Hughes Summer Program Teaching Assistant Award |
İş deneyimi | Associate Editor, NIH Fellows Editorial Board Postdoctoral Fellow, National Institutes of Health Clinical Center Graduate Research Assistant, Georgia Institute of Technology |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | Council of Science Editors American Chemical Society Radiation Research Society |
Uzmanlık alanı | Business administration, Human resources, International business, Banking, Corporate finance, Development economics, Econometrics, Economic history, Economics, Finance, Industrial organization, International economics, International trade, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Monetary economics, Political economy, Public finance, Tax, Language and Linguistics, Literature Public relations, Aesthetics, Applied philosophy, Ethics, History of philosophy, Metaphysics |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 34 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | MA, Economics, Case Western Reserve, USA MFA, Expository Writing, University of Iowa, USA MA, Financial Journalism, University of Iowa, USA MA, English, University of Iowa, USA BA, Public Relations Journalism, University of Iowa, USA |
İş deneyimi | Visiting faculty member, The University of Iowa Director of Corporate Communication, Freddie Mac Corporation Director Of Corporate Communication, United States Mint Director Of Communication, United States Senate Equity Owner, Mardon Communication Services Corporation Director Of Corporate Communication, Hartmarx Corporation Manager Of Executive Communication, Beatrice Foods Corporation Senior Communication Specialist, Standard Oil Company Of Ohio |
Uzmanlık alanı | Business, Human development theory, Curriculum and instruction, Distance education, Educational philosophy, Educational technology, Language and Linguistics, Performing arts, Theology/Religion, Nonverbal communication, Speech communication, Technical writing, Metaphysics, Cultural psychology, General psychology, Parapsychology, Anthropology, Area studies, Cultural and Ethnic studies |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 16 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | MA, Intercultural Relations/Interdisciplinary Studies, Lesley University, USA. BA, Child Development, South Dakota State University, USA |
İş deneyimi | Technical Writer, Daktronics Instructor, University of Phoenix Office Coordinator, Drury University Media Assistant, TeeTimes USA Writer/Evaluator, Bloomington Public Schools Project Manager, Lesley University |
Uzmanlık alanı | Business, Business administration, International business, History, Language and linguistics, Literature, Theology/religion, Civil law, Civil procedure, Comparative law, Constitutional law, Contracts, Corporate law, Criminal law, Environmental law, General law, Intellectual property law, International law, Jurisprudence, Labor law, Paralegal studies, Property law, Tax law, Torts, Applied philosophy, History of philosophy, Political philosophy, Social philosophy, Clinical psychology, Cognitive psychology, Criminology, Political science, Public policy, Sociology |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 5 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | JD, Law, Stetson University College of Law, USA BA, English, Trinity University, USA |
İş deneyimi | Campaign Associate, Bryan Miller for Florida State House Attorney, Joel Weissman, P.A Civil Appeals Coordinator, 15th Judicial Circuit Court, Palm Beach |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | Democratic Professionals Council |
Uzmanlık alanı | Business, Management information systems, Project management, Risk management, Technology management, Consumer economics, E-commerce, Economics, Entrepreneurial economics, Game theory, Industrial organization, Consumer education, Critical pedagogy, Curriculum and instruction, Distance education, Educational leadership, Educational philosophy, Educational psychology, Educational technology, Disaster management, Forensic psychology, Advertising, Journalism, Mass media, Nonverbal communication, Speech communication, Technical writing, Web content development, Cognitive psychology, Consumer psychology, Experimental psychology, General psychology, Organizational psychology, Cognitive science, Sociology |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 24 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | EdD, Industrial Psychology, Nova University, USA MA, Public Administration, Loyola College, USA MA, Speech & Theatre, Indiana University, USA |
Mesleki Sertifikasyon | Desktop Publishing Tools Certificate, University of South Florida |
İş deneyimi | Insurance Learning Solutions Designer and Editor, MetLife Workforce Development Quality Assurance Program Manager United Information Technologies, Inc. Knowledge Services Manager, Pilgrim Software, Inc. Senior Editor, Diamond Edge Business Communications |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) |
Uzmanlık alanı | Curriculum & instruction, Distance Education, Educational Philosophy, History, Language & Linguistics, Literature, Performing Arts, Theology/Religion, Visual Arts, Translation, Aesthetics, Applied Philosophy, Epistemology, Ethics, History of Philosophy, Metaphysics, Philosophical traditions, Political philosophy, Social philosophy, Abnormal psychology, Anthropology, Archaeology, Area Studies, Cultural & Ethnic Studies, Gender & Sexuality Studies, Political Science, Ecology, General Psychology, Environmental policy, International Law |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 33 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Comparative Literature, Indiana University, USA MA, German, Indiana University, USA BA, German and Political Science, Indiana University-Purdue University, USA |
Yayın deneyimi | The Journal Clio: A Journal of Literature, History and the Philosophy of History (Indiana University-Purdue University, Fort Wayne) |
Yazılmış Kitaplar | This Anguish, Like a Kind of Intimate Song, Rodopi |
İş deneyimi | Adjunct Faculty, Queens University of Charlotte English Instructor, Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne Adjunct Faculty, Manchester College Assistant Professor, Illinois State University |
Uzmanlık alanı | Accounting, Banking, Business, Business administration, Corporate Finance, E-Commerce, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Human resources, International business, Management, Management information systems, Project management, Strategy Technology Management |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 9 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | MBA, Finance and Policy Studies (Honors), University of Chicago Graduate School of Business AB, Applied Mathematics, Harvard College |
İş deneyimi | Investment Banker, Merrill Lynch Investment Banker, Chase H&Q Investment Banker, Salomon Brothers |
Uzmanlık alanı | Educational philosophy, History, Language and linguistics, Literature, Performing arts, Visual arts, Ethics, History of philosophy, Philosophical traditions, Political philosophy, Political science, Sociology, Urban Studies |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 15 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | Ph.D., English, Pennsylvania State University, USA MA, English, Pennsylvania State University, USA BA, English, Allegheny College, Meadville, PA, USA |
Yayın deneyimi | Papers on Language & Literature, American Literature, American Literary Realism, English Language Notes, English Studies, The Explicator, The Henry James Review, and Papers on Language & Literature |
Sertifikalar ve Ödüller | Award for the best edited book from the Colorado Independent Publishers Association |
İş deneyimi | Senior Editor, About Books, Inc. Director of Publications, American Birding Association (ABA) Assistant Professor of English, Southern Illinois University Assistant Professor of English, James Madison University |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar |
Uzmanlık alanı | Curriculum and instruction, Distance education, History, Language and Linguistics, Literature, Performing arts, Nonverbal communication, Web content development, Aesthetics, Cultural and ethnic studies, Gender and sexuality studies |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 6 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | Ph.D., English Literature, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA MA, English Literature, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA BA, English, University of Utah, USA B.F.A. in Ballet Performance, University of Utah, USA |
İş deneyimi | Instructor, Grantham University Instructor, Stanford University Teaching Associate and Lecturer, University of California |
Uzmanlık alanı | Educational psychology, Forensic psychology, Abnormal psychology, Applied psychology, Biological psychology, Clinical psychology, Cognitive psychology, Community psychology, Comparative psychology, Conservation psychology, Consumer psychology, Counseling psychology, Cultural psychology, Developmental psychology, Differential psychology, Environmental psychology, Evolutionary psychology, Experimental psychology, General psychology, Health psychology, Legal psychology, Media psychology, Medical psychology, Military psychology, Neuropsychology, Occupational health psychology, Organizational psychology, Parapsychology, Personality psychology, Political psychology, Positive psychology, Psychology of religion, Psychometrics, Psychophysics, Quantitative psychology, School psychology, Social psychology, Sport psychology, Cognitive science |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 24 |
Ülke | United Kingdom |
Eğitim | DSc (Oxon), Oxford University, UK DPhil (Oxon), Oxford University, UK MA, Oxford University, UK BA (Oxon), Oxford University, UK |
Mesleki Sertifikasyon | FBPsS, British Psychological Society, UK CPsychol, British Psychological Society, UK |
Akran - değerlendirme deneyimi | Addiction, Animal Behavior, Archives of General Psychiatry, Biological Psychiatry, British Journal of Psychiatry, Journal of Affective Disorders, Neuropsychopoharmacology, Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, Psychological Medicine, Psychoneuroendocrinology |
Yayın deneyimi | Journal of Psychopharmacology, Behavioural Pharmacology, Journal of Affective Disorders, European Journal of Pharmacology, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities |
İş deneyimi | Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University NHS Trust Professor of Psychology, University of Wales, Swansea Professor of Psychology, City of London Polytechnic (now London Metropolitan University) Visiting Professor of Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego Editor-in-Chief, Behavioural Pharmacology |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | European Neuropsychopharmacology Frontiers in Psychopharmacology ISRN Pharmacology Neuropsychobiology Physiology & Behavior Pharmacological Reports Synapse European Behavioural Pharmacology Society British Psychological Society British Association for Psychopharmacology British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy |
Uzmanlık alanı | Environmental policy, Forensic anthropology, Forensic archeology, Forensic arts, History, Language and Linguistics, Literature, Archival science, Museology, Translation, Evolutionary psychology, Anthropology, Archeology, Cognitive science, Conservation, Cultural and Ethnic studies, Ecology, Geography |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 15 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Archaeology, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Germany MA, Anthropology, University of Wyoming, USA BA, Anthropology, University of California, USA |
Yayın deneyimi | Journal of Human Evolution, Journal of Archaeological Science, International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, Quaternary International, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, PaleoAnthropology, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences , Springer Verlag |
Yayın deneyimi | Journal of Archaeological Science; Journal of Human Evolution; PaleoAnthropology; International Journal of Osteoarchaeology; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences |
İş deneyimi | Research Assistant, University of California Associated Scientist, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology Germany Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Stone Age Research Branch Roman-German Central Museum Germany Doctoral Researcher, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Germany |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | Society for American Archaeology International Council for Archaeozoology Paleoanthropology Society |
Uzmanlık alanı | Literature, Theology/Religion, Mass media, Metaphysics, Abnormal psychology, Biological psychology, Clinical psychology, Cognitive psychology, Counseling psychology, Cultural psychology, Developmental psychology, General psychology, Health psychology, Media psychology, Neuropsychology, Parapsychology, Personality psychology, Positive psychology, Psychology of religion, Social psychology, Sociology |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 6 |
Ülke | Canada |
Eğitim | BA, Psychology (Honours), Ryerson University, Canada PGDip, Advanced Creative Writing: Fiction, Nonfiction and Poetry, Humber College School of Writers, Canada |
Yayın deneyimi | International Journal of Cognitive Therapy, American Journal of Psychiatry, Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy |
İş deneyimi | Research Assistant, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH). Copywriter (E-Commerce), Indigo Books & Music Publishing Intern, Tightrope Books Copywriter/Editor, SQ Wellness Writer/Editor, Kriya Yoga International |
Uzmanlık alanı | Banking, Development economics, Ecological economics, Economic history, Economic systems, Economics, Environmental economics, Financial economics, Game theory, Green economics, International economics, International trade, Law and economics, Macroeconomics, Political economy, Public economics, Public finance, Socialist economics, Socioeconomics, Transport economics, Welfare economics |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 8 |
Ülke | Canada |
Eğitim | MDE, Applied Economics, Dalhousie University, Canada BEd, Social Studies and French Language Arts, Saint Mary’s University, Canada BA, Economics and Political Science (Honors), Dalhousie University, Canada |
Yayın deneyimi | Asian Development Bank Internal Paper |
Yazılmış Kitaplar | Riptides, Acorn Press (Coauthored) Jilted Angels, A Collection of Short Stories, Broad Street Publishing (Coauthored) |
Sertifikalar ve Ödüller | Writing Mentorship, Writers Federation of Nova Scotia Graduate Studies Fellowship, Dalhousie University |
İş deneyimi | Economist, Atlantic Province Economic Council (APEC) Economist, Council of Maritime Premiers (CMP) Teaching Assistant. Dalhousie University |
Üyelikler/Ortaklıklar | Editors Association of Canada (EAC) Writers Federation of Nova Scotia (WFNS) |
Uzmanlık alanı | Behavioral economics, Corporate finance, Development economics, Econometrics, Economic geography, Economic history, Economic sociology, Economics, Energy economics, Environmental economics, Feminist economics, Finance, Financial economics, International economics, International trade, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Monetary economics, Resource economics, Socioeconomics |
Uzmanlık deneyimi | 25 |
Ülke | United States |
Eğitim | Ph.D., Regional Economic Geography, University College London, UK Executive MS, Finance, Zicklin School of Business, USA MA, Economic Geography, University of Alberta, Canada BS, Mathematics, University of Alberta, Canada |
Yayın deneyimi | Levy Economics Institute of Bard College report, Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, Daily Oil Bulletin, New Technology Magazine |
İş deneyimi | Research Associate and Editor, The Levy Economics Institute of Bard College Manager, TransAlta Utilities Ltd. Energy Economist and Technical Writing Consultant, TransAlta Utilities Ltd. Senior Economist, Alberta Energy Resources Conservation Board Economic Consultant, Acres Consulting Services Ltd. |
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